Speeding Things Up With The Bank

Hello Everyone,
I am working on a short sale in South Carolina and everything is ready to go EXCEPT for the dealings with the bank. We've found a buyer that can cover the principal on the existing mortgage balance but I can't get any answer from the bank. I have called every other day for the past month but no one ever picks up the phone. I've tried every other department in the bank and they always redirect me back to the same woman. But she's never there and never returns my messages! What do I do? The home auctions in 3 weeks! The most frustrating part is that I have a buyer lined up for the property. PLEASE HELP!!!



  • rajwarrior15th July, 2003


    I've heard the 'I left a message' alot. It's time to get proactive in the situation. When you call and they try to send you to this lady, inform whoever that you've left her several messages with no reply, and that you'd like to speak to someone that is available now.

    If you still get a voicemail, hit the 0 button or call back immediately. Ask to speak to a supervisor. Go higher if necessary. The point is, make sure they know that you intend to get a response. ALWAYS be polite.


  • ratatatat16th July, 2003

    And if that doesn't work, call Western Union and get one of their Message Grams --- or some such name, it will appear at her desk and look very official.

    Make sure you use the word 'URGENT' 'and give her a phone number and time slot for her to call you, and be sure to be by the phone. Explain that you have tried to contact her numorous times to no avail, and that you absolutely, positively must speak to her immediately.

    If she still doesn't call, send the next one to her boss. It may take you 1 or 2 bosses but I bet you get through to someone in time. As long as you have a 24 hour deadline for each message gram, you can accomplish it in 3 days or less.

    Do whatever it takes . . .

  • Stockpro9916th July, 2003

    Try flowers and a "call me" note from ftd

  • TheShortSalePro16th July, 2003

    A few years back I was working on a rather large short sale. The mortgagee was unresponsive, too. With a $50,000 bonus in jeopardy, and a sale date approaching, I hopped a plane and flew from NJ to Texas. They still wouldn't see me. I ended up buying a delivered lunch for the office and walked in with the food platters under the pretense that I needed the signature of the person who refused to see me....

    Impressed with my diligence, I had my face to face meeting. But lost the deal anyway.

  • schallerp16th July, 2003


    How did the person feel, that owned the place, when they found out you lost the SS? They were counting on you right?


    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. I am in a similar situation here. I have called and left messages as well as called every 5 min and still couldn't get them the person to talk to me. However, they did get a call from the owner I am working with who told them they needed to call me and let me and them know what was going on.

    The bank person did call me back and simple stated, "We are working on it." They are waiting for an internal appraisal and then will be ready.

    What I failed to do when I started this was send them the pictures of the place which I am doing today. Along with that is a short list of repairs that are needed.[ Edited by schallerp on Date 07/16/2003 ]

  • TheShortSalePro16th July, 2003

    Schallerp, I was working for an investor who was seeking the discounted purchase of the mortgage(s) via an assignment.

    I was asked to restructure after several attempts to negotiate had failed. Unfortunately, I got called in about a week before Sheriff's Sale which had already been adjourned several times.
    With no chance for additional adjournments...I was trying to patch holes in a sinking ship.

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