So What Can We Post? Tired Of Post's Being Deleted.

I dont get it.
You will let me argue with newbes all day about bandit signs, but when I try to give someone 200 miles away a free deal, someone deletes my post.
Are we still trying to help people or are we just selling books to the sheep.

Data Attack


  • joel2nd February, 2004

  • tomker2nd February, 2004

    What is the free deal?

  • dataattack2nd February, 2004

    seller contacted me.
    I made an offer 1 year ago.
    she just called, will accept my year old offer.
    35k in equity
    you wont get rich on this one, but its a no brainer.

  • Lufos2nd February, 2004

    Data Attack,

    On behalf of the sheep, I want you to know we appreciate your offer of the lead.

    Come on Joel let the nice man post the lead. We will as always check it out and of course, continue to wag our tails behind us, The Sheep.


  • dataattack2nd February, 2004

    Lufos wrote:
    Data Attack,

    On behalf of the sheep, I want you to know we appreciate your offer of the lead.

    I didnt mean anything like what your implying

    There is alot of censorship going on here.

  • bgrossnickle2nd February, 2004

    I got a post deleted because a newbie asked what documents were required to get the deed. I listed the documents that I use when I go to someone's house. It was deleted because some people think that if you paid for it at a seminar then you should not give information for free. I have heard that Ron LeGrand is promoting this kind of mentality because he wants people to pay for his seminar. WAKE UP EVERYBODY. Ron Legrand , CArlton Sheets, Rob Allen and whoever else did not invent the subject2 nor the short sell. If you attended one of these seminars and you believe that someone can get the some knowledge in a question and answer forum - then you paid too much.

    If you notice, nobody around here gives specific information or step by step instructions because they want you to pay for the information. If someone trys to give specific information the post gets deleted.

    While I am ranting - I paid over 60k for my computer education (OK, my father paid) and I have never once told a newbie that I can help them recover a crashed hard drive because I had to pay for my education.


  • dataattack2nd February, 2004

    Thats why I like John locke so much.
    He's not like that.
    Lake Mary, I love it up there.
    Hows the market ?
    I see your data all the time.

  • JohnLocke2nd February, 2004


    So no one around here gives step by step instructions, well take a look at this link:

    Are you qualified to list the proper state specific paperwork required to do a deal in every state? I don't know why your post got deleted, I do know that I private messaged you because you broke two of the rules here at TCI in one post and gave you a heads up with a caution. I did it because I felt you were posting here to help and I did not want to see you wind up in jail here at TCI. You took my advice and deleted the post.

    The Moderators here take their responsibility here pretty seriously, that's why they have a Moderators Forum, posts are discussed as to their content, even as far has how some of us feel about certain posts whether they are advertising, board hustling, etc.

    There are many Moderators here who requested to take on this responsibility, they were posters like you who asked and were chosen. So we all came out of the ranks of posting here at TCI.

    So maybe you would like to become a Moderator, put the shoe on the other foot so to speak? When you see a poster giving bad advice or saying pm me or e-mail me or posting a web site not connected to TCI, would you have what it takes to delete the post or put this person in Jail?

    Are you prepared to protect the new person here from the board hustlers who join here just to prey on the new person?

    I have no problem correcting the situation, because it is not going to happen on my watch.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • joel3rd February, 2004


    You have advertised repeatedly in the forums(as dataattack AND jasontugs). You can' t post properties here. They must go in the TCIRealty area where they belong.

    The forums are only meant for people to discuss a deal, not to advertise it.

    The Moderators are not here to be pricks, but to help the community out and make the forums serve its function (find information FAST). It doesn't help if you are breaking the rules of the community or venting because you disagree with the rules.

  • omega13rd February, 2004


    Nice to meet you. You interestingly noticed above that there is a lot of implying going on and if you follow the footstep lead you'll find a lot of self advertising in the present and past that is skillfully used for self enrichment from time to time. Did you join the Deal Shop yet?

    There is a "censorship" in the same time because this site is business for someone who also wrote the rules.

    Accordingly, those "sheeps" who doesn't like it, has the www.choice.The one thing I do not understand though is why the responsibles let "soft advertisers" get away under umbrella of minimal relevancy to a lead post, day in and day out. [ Edited by omega1 on Date 02/03/2004 ]

  • dataattack3rd February, 2004

    On 2004-02-03 00:05, joel wrote:

    You have advertised repeatedly in the forums(as dataattack AND jasontugs). You can' t post properties here. They must go in the TCIRealty area where they belong.

    remember I had to change my screen name because you gave me up to a GURU's lawyer.
    I posted the truth and can prove it in any court of law.
    I do realize my post looked like I was selling a property, but if you read it all, it also said you call the homeowner and make your own deal. I cant do business in that area because it is to far away and I have contracts to honor.
    It was a freebe deal for a newbe to practice on and it was deleted.
    I come across many of these deals, how do I help someone in my state without being accused of "selling" something?

    Data Attack

  • InActive_Account3rd February, 2004

    Data Attack, I agree with you. I think the 'rules' are not applied to everyone and the monitors are selective about who they bust and who they don't.
    I would suspect that more and more people will get sick of it and goto other sites!

  • omega13rd February, 2004


    I believe that the intention of the moderators and the owner of this site is not to be selective or unfair. When it happens do comment and hope that possible mistakes will be undone. Things happens: I watch just few days ago a nice lady with Hispanic last name leave this board in protest because couple of --------- from TX harassed her for making spelling errors. In my opinion that's not only disrespectful to this board but also discriminating in hart and should not be allowed to continue.

    And some of those TX ..... team up and provoke other members and when the offended member respond in defense a TX "gang" logs complaint that cause the owner of this site to punish the victim instead of provocateur. Is that fair? I do not think so but you got to take it the right way and the justice WILL prevail. At list in movies...

    We live in an imperfect world. Get the tide grip. [ Edited by omega1 on Date 02/03/2004 ]

  • jackman3rd February, 2004

    this is very tru! not many people on here give totally free into. some because they feel like they paid for it, some because they feel like it's part of the investment of learning (quick money is an illusion) - then there are undoubtedly some that feel that it would defeat the purpose of buying someone's products.

    i get great advice on topics that will help me move on, but have never been given (to my recollection) a step-by-step script - and i HAVE asked before.

    now i see why they didn't, it feels better and you learn it better thru your own investigation and trial-n-error. however, if i know anything that someone wants, i'll give it to them for free anytime, to help them out. that's just in my make-up. there's enough real estate pie for us all to get a nice helping and no one starve.

    truth is, you have to just let the rules be rules - if you don't like them, start your own site and make none! haha. not being rude ...

    On 2004-02-02 22:41, bgrossnickle wrote:

    It was deleted because some people think that if you paid for it at a seminar then you should not give information for free. I have heard that Ron LeGrand is promoting this kind of mentality because he wants people to pay for his seminar. WAKE UP EVERYBODY. Ron Legrand , CArlton Sheets, Rob Allen and whoever else did not invent the subject2 nor the short sell. If you attended one of these seminars and you believe that someone can get the some knowledge in a question and answer forum - then you paid too much.

    If you notice, nobody around here gives specific information or step by step instructions because they want you to pay for the information. If someone trys to give specific information the post gets deleted.


  • dajackhammer3rd February, 2004

    omega1, I also caught that post of CherylLopez, but was unable to find what had actually happened. Out of respect for her I took the time to read back through her previous posts, and the lady definately new her sh**. I didn't however find whatever post she was talking about. Was it deleted? I don't have a problem with not being able to post properties or legal advice, theres a place available for that. My problem is when someone who could have been a valuable asset to this site is allowed to be discriminated against and treated with the disrespect that she was, is obviously on another site giving her advice. But like I said I never did find the post in question. Does anyone know how to find it. Then I could make a little better opinion on the subject. Thanks in advance

  • rajwarrior3rd February, 2004


    Unfortunately, while there were some posts regarding poor spelling and grammar, Ms. Lopez jumped to the wrong assumptions herself.

    I believe that the post that she was referring to was "murder disclosure" or something such. Another user posting on that topic had the poor spelling/grammar that was childly being made fun of. Since the users doing that posted after Ms. Lopez, she erroringly assumed that they were speaking about her.

    Now, as far as the point of this original post, my initial response would have been a kneejerk reaction, but after taking the time to collect my thoughts and review the comments, I believe that John Locke and Joel has responded well.

    On a few specific points, though.

    The forum rules are there for everyone to read. If you get a post edit or deleted, don't start complaining until you actually read the rules. Likely, you broke one or more.

    As far as the rules not being applied to everyone. Show me an example of that happening. Some posts may be missed. Sorry, sometimes it's a little difficult to find all the violations looking when looking thru a few hundred posts a day. Some people have taken the time to pm me an offensive post and ask me to take care of it instead of whining about the moderators being "unfair." And frankly, some forums aren't well moderated and more gets by. If you want to help, ask Joel.

    As far as no free info given or a step by step instruction, you either aren't paying attention, aren't looking, or aren't asking the right questions. I almost think it's funny that you'll complain that you didn't get a step by step answer to "how to invest" "how to subject to", etc, when whole books have been written on the subjects. That said, there have been many, many detailed posts on many subjects. But most don't even take the time to do a forum search.

    We moderators DONATE our time to try to make this a better, safer, and more informed website, so, frankly, it offends me that some want to complain about how we moderate. If you'd like step up to the plate and donate your time to moderate a forum, please do. Otherwise, please either learn to live within the rules or find somewhere else to go.


  • dataattack3rd February, 2004

    very well written.
    fair enough.

  • mcldavid3rd February, 2004

    Being new to this "site".. MY 2cents..
    I ENJOY coming to this "place" ..the info. is great , the SUPPORT is here .and I feel if I do my homework , the "postings" and then ask my question..I WILL BE TREATED with respect,...not to be naive, ...the MAIN purpose of this site is "to Help" and "INFORM"..the selling of "products" a side issue..
    MY Thanks To " ALL" who have offered their opinions and advise, "WE" all learn!

  • WheelerDealer8th February, 2004

    I would like to see the rule about (being an idiot) ive seen several get jailed for this one. im sure the posts are hilarious!!

  • Gonzo8th February, 2004

    Posts have gotten through where some members have made fun of other members for misspelling one word or another. I understand that the moderators can’t catch everyone but they are doing a fantastic job. Those who have made fun are childish and unproductive, I don’t care how good they are at what they do that is just disrespectful and its shame that they hide behind a keyboard at the expense of others.

    If you understand a post no matter how misspelled, then I think it’s served its purpose.


  • JeffAdams8th February, 2004

    What people don't realize is that on this site there are people who don't make a living selling late night tapes or infomercials. Just straight advice right from the trenches!

    The people who have joined this site should be fortunate to be part of this
    organization. They should not take it for
    granted. That is why the moderators are
    on board, to make sure everything runs
    smoothly. My hats off to them.

    Jeffrey Adam

    "The only place success comes before work
    is in the dictionary."[ Edited by JeffreyAdam on Date 02/08/2004 ]

  • nebulousd8th February, 2004

    I just wanted to chime in. I challenge any of you to go out, sit down with another investor, and ask them to go through EVERYTHING step by step on how they complete a deal. Go out and find a lawyer or an accountant and ask them all the legal and tax questions you are curious about....but ask not to be charged for the advice they give. Not to say you shouldn't pay for advice, because I do, but some of the things you are learning here, people have paid the price one way or another and are willing to share what they have learned. I had a birddog meeting this weekend with 4 people who were interested in real estate, and it took 2 hours just to get the basics out....and that was by way of mouth and a power point presentation. Needless to say, they still could not go out and do a deal because 75% of the process was not covered.

    So for all of you taking this excellent free advice for granted and still think people owe you a step by step process in these here are at your free will to go elsewhere to get your information. But when you get to that site or sit down in front of whomever, check around on that site and see if they are selling anything and ask that person your in front of, at what price will the training come? may not spend money, but you will spend time and effort.[ Edited by nebulousd on Date 02/09/2004 ]

  • Sierra149th February, 2004

    i have been folllowing this argument from the beginning and find it increadibly interesting. i personally am greatfull that there is a place like this where we can all share and learn. when my husband first wanted to get into RE i was like yeah whatever. but coming into this site, and being able to ask questions and have them answered, has helped me enjoy the entire experience. i've also gone into different forums and posts just to see what people are saying, and to get a knowledge of the lingo. over all i've enjoyed being part of this site.
    Just thought i'd share my 2 cents, as you all put it. <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_lol.gif"> [ Edited by Sierra14 on Date 02/09/2004 ]

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