So,I Can Just Go To Clerks Office And Ask For List Of ......

Live I Va. I called the clerks office and told her I was trying to obtain a list of home before ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's*** people who had filed for divorce ,she acted like she had never heard of such a thing.Like I was nuts.Should I ask for something else or what the heck do I need to do to get the info. on ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's***his is driving me crazy.I have been trying to figure this out for over a year.PLEASE HELP!! downer


  • donanddenise20th July, 2003

    the clerks do not know what you are talking about, they just work there filing papers. there is a record of all persons filing for divorce in the records office, just look around and you will find it, some counties are computerized, ask they can help with the computerized records

  • warnerve20th July, 2003

    Thanks,that makes me feel better.So they also have notice of default records too.I just have to look huh?Great! I'll be going soon.

  • warnerve20th July, 2003

    Oh,yeah.I just walk in act like I know what I'm doing?Or do I need permission?

  • warnerve20th July, 2003

    By the way our records are in Circuit Court clerks office,does this change anything?

  • skidoddle20th July, 2003

    Heck why mess with all of that sillu stuff just get the notice of default and see on there who it is will state husband and wife or tow people with the same last name one a women and one a man with the same last name BINGO you have your wife and husband who are in trouble and most likely a divorce but really who cares you are after the best property and I do not care if it is a divorce.


  • warnerve21st July, 2003

    So your saying go in and look for just the Notice of ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's***hing else.Will these NOD records be together,or will I really have to look?Sorry I seem so weird about this,but after talking to that clerk who acted like I was such an idiot for asking I feel weird just walking in and going through records.

  • doody21st July, 2003

    I ran into the same problem the other day here in Youngstown Ohio. Interested in the replies.

  • warnerve21st July, 2003

    I live in Va. and the clerk acted like she was mad cause I asked.We dont have like a records office like most places.Do you?I work at home so I am going to pay someone to get the info. if its ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's***he person that replied to my message said it IS there. I have to look.So I am going to try and reach the person I'm paying ,and get them to try.

  • nmcurse21st July, 2003

    I've had similar problems with getting records - they tried to turn me away but I mentioned that the records are 'public' and they needed to let me go and look or provide me with a list.

    They are gov't employees so getting them to do something out of the ordinary might be a little difficult.

  • warnerve21st July, 2003

    Really ! So you got to see the list of the NOD's thats ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's***ause there is no reason to try and get the home after they have foreclosed .For me ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's***hey want cash here at the auction.

  • wangui21st July, 2003

    The question that I use all the time is,
    Do you have any list for deliquent owners? and it works with the city employees. Sometime they don't know what one needs until you explain. Try that it has worked for me.

  • Stockpro9921st July, 2003

    Let me addresss the persistant issue. They made you feel like an idiot? or treated you like one? THis is where a lot of people get off the train, they can't handle rejection. Persistance is the real qualifier for winners. THose that hang in there and keep going. THis will beat out genious, talent, and money every time.

    Learn what it is exactly that you want, (many jurisdictions have legal papers that will disseminate this info for a fee and you won't have to waste your time). Go to the courthouse, learn the name of the people you are doing business with. Ask them for what it is you want. And follow up with a letter to them and their superior praising their helpfullness. You will never have a problem again

  • jllaco21st July, 2003

    Could it at all be possible this list does not exist in all states/counties. I am in GA and read on a previous post that GA does not require any type of filing. The first notice is when it comes out in the legal section of the local newspaper and has to run for four consecutive weeks. I don't know this to be fact, but it would not surprise me if it is true.

  • warnerve21st July, 2003

    You know I was wondering too.
    Who do we ask?

  • doody22nd July, 2003

    On 2003-07-21 13:34, wangui wrote:
    The question that I use all the time is,
    Do you have any list for deliquent owners? and it works with the city employees. Sometime they don't know what one needs until you explain. Try that it has worked for me. <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_eek.gif">

    I just tried this, and it worked.

  • skm23rd July, 2003

    I'm new to this and still learning, but in the part of Il where am looking for foreclosures the only way I can find them is to go to the court house and search for them before they hit the paper. Sometimes you can call the attorney who is handling the case and buy the property berfore it goes to auction at stated price. however, some times the property doesn't even go to auction the bank keeps it and try to sell it to regain their money.

  • warnerve23rd July, 2003

    I have called circuit courts ,they handle foreclosures.I have called attorneys .They all say there is no way to find foreclosures before they post for auction.I find that hard to believe .I'm going to keep trying.I looked up property by owner and typed in "bank".I got loads of properties,but I dont really know what that means when it says bank owns ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's***ause some of them say the bank has owned it for years.Anybody know??

  • peoria23rd July, 2003

    If you would like I can pull up foreclosures in your area or the counties you give me and I can tell you how many and the info on them.
    I pay the monthly fee at ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's*** and don't mind looking for you if you like.
    Just let me know what counties to search.
    I can even fax some info to you on them so you can see what info is included if you have access to a fax.

    Jerry Buit

  • peoria23rd July, 2003

    Sorry, meant to send that as a private msg.
    Not thinking right today.

  • nmcurse23rd July, 2003

    You should be able to see the records in the record room. My county doesn't make a list and they let me sift through all of the records and find the foreclosures. It bothered me at first but then the clerk told me that nobody else does this and they walk away when they are told there is no list for sale. BOOYA.

    But that shouldn't surprise me since I'm in New Mexico.

  • warnerve23rd July, 2003

    I have looked all it is was Real Estate transfers.Like when and what that bought it for.I think I'll go back.

  • tdelo5623rd July, 2003

    What are URL's? Seen it before but don't know what it is..

  • JDC2123rd July, 2003

    I think you're right jllaco. I live in Ga and don't think they have a NOD list. The county paper is the only place to find the info. If anyone in Ga knows any different, I'd like to know.

  • jllaco23rd July, 2003

    I actually found a GA site that described the process and tried to post it...

    it basically said the first notice is when it is printed in the paper the first of four consecutive weeks.

  • 26th July, 2003

    anyone have any idea on how to get financed with out using a bank to do so

  • InActive_Account1st August, 2005

    The way I understand it is that in Georgia. Before they list it in the newspaper they must record the notice of default at courthouse. They run the listing in a newspaper at least 4 consecutive weeks before the sale then 15 days prior the lender mails another letter to the owner advising they have a limited amount of time to pay in full before the sale.

    Check out the website below for a decent time line for the entire Georgia foreclosure process:

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