Snow Removal

I have a few properties that a landscapper plows the driveways.
On my most recent property he called me after the first storm and stated that the driveway is to difficult and he can not do it due to the steepness.
Has anyone had a similar issue and how did you get around it? :-?


  • goodloe21st December, 2004

    It sounds to me like hes blowing smoke. Unless Its a really steap drive way there shouldn't be a problem. Call someone else. Or give the naborhood kids 20 buck to do it.

  • Bobe7321st December, 2004

    That is kind of what I thought. I am upset because all summer long he was telling me it won't be a problem.

    It also pissed me off because he is handleing my 5 properties snow removal, spring and summer clean up as well as the weekly grass cutting.

  • NewKidinTown222nd December, 2004

    How much snow did you get? Has the snow removal been a problem with this contractor in the past?

    I am wondering if his equipment is only able to handle plowing that driveway when the snow is just a couple of inches, but sorely underpowered when the snow is more than a foot deep.

  • getgoing22nd December, 2004


    I am also a landscaper and during my first year I didn"t have a truck that could handle steep drives properly. Sure I could have done it and done a really bad job but I was up front with my customers and now I handle 2 malls from them same people. This may not be the case but you could judge better then me... If he has done right by you give him the chance, if not give it to someone who deserves it !![ Edited by getgoing on Date 12/22/2004 ]

  • Bobe7322nd December, 2004

    Thank you everyone who has replied!

    There has never been a problem with this guy in the past with snow, however I have noticed that he does a quick and dirty job. He does not back plow or go out of his way. If he can not get it easily he leaves.

    We only got about 4" of snow. The problem I feel is two fold, the temp. dropped while raining and there was a layer of ice and secondly I think that his equipment is not adequate for this job. I think if you use a 4WD truck instead of a Mason Dump then he would be able to handle it. That way he could probably go real slow down hill rather then trying to plow up hill. Just my thoughts, however I am not a plow guy.

    I am going to shop the job. The other thought was to have him possibly use a snow blower to get into the property clean up and then come back in a day or two when it warms up and finish plow and sand.


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