Skip Tracing

My partner and I have began looking into wholesaling homes w/ Absentee Owners. My partner has a long list of properties that he physically went out driving for. My question to you guys who have a lot more experience is: Is there an easier way to find these properties w/out having to drive neighborhood by neighborhood to find vacant homes? Thanks in advanced


  • jeff1200220th February, 2005

    Not really, You could research the county tax rolls looking for properties that have the tax bill sent to an address that is different from the property address I suppose. It would save you some driving.

  • LarryTX21st February, 2005

    If you have a big list try They have a one day access pass for like $50.00 bucks that gives you access to their database. Not 100% accurate but you will save money before you hire a skip tracer such as or PI.


  • jbarczewsk123rd February, 2005

    thanks for your advice,

    as to your question, "why selling for 100%"?

    simple, I need all the cash, my RE career as not established enough to start holding yet, I have to pay the bills.

    thanks again


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