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What services are you guys using to find homeowners that are in deafult but has abandon the property?


  • ibuyhouses2011th September, 2006


  • InActive_Account15th September, 2006

    zabasearch has helped me find a few

  • turborocket17th September, 2006

    MerlinData or Maralogix. Use Google to find more.

  • edmeyer7th September, 2006

    We are going to have a difficult time helping you unless you give more detail. How do we help you avoid going blank?

  • adaliza9w7th September, 2006

    The real question is how treat / interact with the home owner. What is the best way to get to the point and not offend them. I try to be polite / professinal, not to nice. I find they get very offensive when I show up, or call sometimes.
    What times are best to do walk bys ?

  • APrealty4th September, 2006

    Thanks for the info. Another question. What exactly is an o&e report.

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