Signing of Contract w/ Investor

How do you get the investor to sign the contract with the bird dog? Do you have to meet with him before his appt. with the seller and at the same time give him all the info? confused


  • Heidi7021st May, 2003

    Cathy, I get all of my investors to sign contracts before I do business with them. Before giving them property leads. I have not met any of my investors in person yet. It's not really necessary to. I have spoken to them email and phone, and have faxed my contract to them and have them sign it and fax it back. Have you bought John Cash Locke's birddog book yet? He has a contract in it that you can use. Thats the one that I use.


  • Heidi7021st May, 2003

    P.S. Its also good to keep your contract organized with what each investor is looking for (ie. price ranges, how many houses they want to purchase, etc.) I have created a notebook with each of their names in a seperate section. I will also put each property referral with their name.


  • Cathy22nd May, 2003

    Thanks so much Heidi70.
    You were very helpful. I actually thought I had to meet with them to get the contract signed, I did not know a fax signature was just as good.

  • Birdoggin4u10th September, 2003

    On 2003-07-12 17:28, Heidi70 wrote:
    Cathy, do you have an email address? I have some information that might help you( too long to post here, also might be considered advertising) Write me at **Please See My Profile**

    Heidi <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_smile.gif">

    Hello Heidi

    I was reading the post regarding getting contracts signed by Investors. I am using John Locke's contract but I am in the process of having an attorney review it. If you don't mind me asking what info did you provide Cathy with? and if so can you send me some helpful info?

    **Please See My Profile** Your help would be greatly appreciated.

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