Signing For LLC

I am placing my rental property into a Land Trust and using the 2 member LLC as the beneficiary. Do I sign as the LLC and then place my name below it as member? Also is there an issue with using realty in the name of the LLC since I manage my own properties. I own the properties in Georgia


  • telemon6th January, 2004

    I would consult your local attorney regarding these issues. They are specific to your state. Doubt anyone will give you legal advice. We are not attorneys .

  • Tedjr6th January, 2004

    The name realty is OK from what i remember from by Board of Realtor classes. Realtor is not OK. The only document you need to transfer the property is the trust formation document and a deed. Do you have the trust documents ? I do not think the LLC will need to sign anything. I can do some research for you and find out the exact answers you are searching. PM me to discuss

    Good LUCK and Thank You
    Hope this helps some
    Ted Jr

  • nbkj6516th January, 2004

    Hello Ted, I have the trusts documents and the llc will have to sign the bene. form. My thought was to have my partner sign the name of the llc as beneficiary and then signg below it as agent, member or manger of llc. I think that should cover me, just looking for a concensus. Appreciate your clearing up the realty thing for me.

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