Showing Investors Properties...How?

I have investors that I already contacted waiting for me to bring them homes. I have 4 bids in now with sellers and if they agree then I will be contacting my investors to flip it to them. My question is if 1 or all 4 agree how do I show the investor the property? I am assuming (I know...bad word) that he/she is going to want to look at it? If I don't own the home yet how do I do this when they ask to see it? Do I just make an appointment with my realtor and show him? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks confused [ Edited by qball31 on Date 10/23/2003 ]


  • nebulousd23rd October, 2003

    If they are investor's they will understand that you are making a profit and don't mind as long as there is enough in it for them. tell them that you will have to set something up, but drive by the property first and tell me if you want to go in. If they want to see the inside, set something up with the realtor, sellers to get the investor in. As long as everyone is getting what they want, there should be no problems. sellers sell house, realtor makes 3%, you get a profit and the investor makes their profit. be honest and do your best.

  • qball3123rd October, 2003

    Thanks for the quick response. When you said set something up with the realtor, you meant my realtor... correct? I wouldn't use the sellers realtor, would I?

  • nebulousd23rd October, 2003

    Yeah, use yours. All they want is their commission and they usually don't care where the money comes from. By helping you they are in turn helping themselves.

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