SS Forms Needed

I am looking for a list of the forms I will need when preforming a SS and a brief description of what each is for. any help will be greatly appriciated.

House to go to auction June 16.

The trustee put me in contact with the beneficiary.
he showed me the house and we have talked about rehab costs and discount price.
I have done due Dil and working on an offer package now.
Any hints, tips spread sheets or anything would help.

Thanks in advance




  • jasonkanan16th April, 2004

    after many hours reading I have found some of the names of the forms, but it is in no order on what takes place when. Might there be someone willing to send me a word doc of them


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    subject = REI REHAB HELP

  • TheNegotitators16th April, 2004

    This sounds like a question for Nancy, TCI's short sale pro. Generally, I believe the bank sends you their checklist of what documents they require and you work off of that. As far as descriptions of each...I don't have any of my books with me right now or I could be of more help. Good luck!!!! grin

  • sgtphilko16th April, 2004

    Hey Slick,

    Thought I would just say HI. I used to live in Lebanon 6 years ago, then I moved to Corvallis, to go to OSU.

    I don't have the Short Sale info you are asking for...sorry. I'm just getting into Shorts myself.

    Good luck.

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