Prospecting Letter Directly To Mortgagers

To direct. To vague. Not enough umpf!!

Let me know.


I may be able to help you.

My search of court records indicates that you are currently under foreclosure proceedings from your lender.

I specialize in helping borrowers get out from under mortgages and deeds of trusts that, due to circumstances beyond their control, they are no longer able to pay.

My services cost you, the homeowner, nothing.

I would like to meet with you and discuss what I may be able to do for you.

I will not try to sell you anything or try to get you to list your property.

I work for investors who pay cash and pay as quickly as the bank is willing to close.

If you are currently working with a Real Estate Agent, please inform him or her before you call me. They may want to be present or talk with me before I meet with you.

I am a licensed NC Real Estate Broker.

Thank You


  • asak40016th June, 2005

    Thank you ShortSalePro for your quick reply. I was hoping that you would answer to my message since it looks like you know everything about short sales (i always read your posts with great interest). It is really cool that you as well as other pros and experienced investors take their time to answer to those posts-we learn a lot from you!
    If anybody else has some advice or opinion regarding SS of 2nd and/or liens, please reply-will be glad to read each post.

  • Stockpro9922nd June, 2005

    As a rule of thumb, a good deal is o ne where I pay <80% of value minus repair costs.

    I have paid 85% on a SS and still made good money.

    See where your max offer is that will allow for profit, also they get more motivated as the sale date nears..

  • taylorbau21st June, 2005

    Can anyone please help with this????

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