Best Short Sale Course


Which course out there is considered an excellent short sale course? Please recommend.

Thank you.


  • whyK-CA10th January, 2005

    Thanks homebuyer, for your post.

    I did purchased the second one. When I went through, I realized that I already knew the stuff in the book.

    At this time, I am wondering about one of those more extensive (and a lot more expensive!) courses. Does anyone have any feed back on those?

    Thank you.

  • homebuyer1310th January, 2005

    Expensive doesn't necessarily mean extensive. I thought the same thing at first but when I did purchase a more expensive course I ended being more disappointed because I expected more. So I sent it back and saved myself several hundred bucks. Sounds like you already understand enough about short sales to start going after your own deals. Like I mentioned earlier, there is no substitution for real life experience so I would advise you to take the knowledge that you already have and when specific questions come up bounce them off of the people on this forum. No one course will cover everything because each deal may have it's own characteristics. Is there anything in particular that you need to know before you get started?

  • whyK-CA10th January, 2005

    I'm working on other part of REI right now, and I do not have any particular question I can think of. I just felt that I needed to study more before I jump in.

    What I might benefit from is some actual case studies of deals from the start to the end. Any of other books contain such thing?

    Thanks agin.

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