Shorting Child Support

Can you short child support? Have a deed on a house where the mortgage and child support surpass the value of the home. The home is the only asset and it is in foreclosure. Common sense would say that something is better than nothing, but common sense is not that common.

Anyone have any luck shorting child support?



  • mcole25th February, 2005

    Greetings Brenda,

    What a good question! It will be interesting to see if anyone has ever tried this.

    I had a situation where a child support lien popped up on my personal residence 5 years after my support payments ended. It had never shown up before on any title search. And I had never been late, or in even arrears, with any support payments. But here in CA, when it comes to child support, the courts can file a lien against real property as an open judgment (with no dollar amount).

    It took forever to get it resolved and get a release-of-lien filed. But then to top it off, some lady with the title company decided she wanted a notarized letter from my ex-wife, stating that I didn’t owe her anything. This was after they had all the documentation required to clear title. I explained to her (nicely) that I had no idea where my ex was, nor was it her job to override a recorded release-of-judgment and release-of-lien. She wouldn’t budge. I’ll stop my story there…

    Anyway, it will be very interesting to see what other types of experiences people have had when it come to child support.

    Good luck, Brenda!!!

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