Short Sales In South Carolina

Can I call banks, lenders, etc. and inquire about short sales possibilities?
How do I contact banks that have properties in my county?
Are these dumb questions?


  • Stockpro991st June, 2005

    Great Idea!

    Let me recap; " form an LLC, make the offer in the name of the LLC. Make the Buyer a member of the LLC and have them bring in their financing in their name. After the house is purchased you get rid of the LLC. or assign all your membership to the buyer and let them end it etc."

    How many of these have you done? What is the thing to watch out for?

    PS What is your average profit? I have never gone over 20K on one..


  • goldenchild1st June, 2005


    Explain your last comment from a reply, I new at shortsale

  • Stockpro991st June, 2005

    Not sure what your trying to ask>?

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