Short Sale Too Late?

I had contacted a homeowner in default 2 months ago. She said she was already working with an investor and shrugged me off. She called me late last night to see if there's anything I can do to help her because the investor she was working with left her hanging with no clue as to what's going on. Her home is set for Sheriffs Sale on July 6. Too late to neg. a short sale w/ bank? At this point, are there any options? By the way, I think she's 6 months arrears. Thanks in advance for all your help!


  • TheShortSalePro30th June, 2004

    If a short sale is indicated, submit an expedited Proposal. If it's not been prequalifed as having SS potential, then forget about a short.

  • ronnie167930th June, 2004

    thx for your reply!

    after seeing your profile, I was wondering what's your fee to help the inexperienced w/ a SS? Thx in advance!

  • TheShortSalePro30th June, 2004

    Lets first email to see if you have a feasible candidate. I'll be better able to gauge your level of experience... and we can go from there. Sometimes, folks just need a cursory Q & A session to put them on the right track. Have you read any of the essays on TCI?

  • ronnie167930th June, 2004

    I haven't read any of the essays yet but since you mentioned it - now I will! And to be honest, I'm very inexperienced. I'm actually working on my 1st deal, a LO. As I said earlier, I contacted the homeowner 2 months ago as 'practice' just so that I can start getting comfortable neg. with homeowners. I never thought that she'd call me back! Problem is, I just tried to call her with the ph# she gave me and it's disconnected. Go figure! So at this point, I'm twiddling my thumbs. Thanks!

  • TheShortSalePro30th June, 2004

    Potential deals are gold!

    Learn to identify a potential deal, and make sure you know what to do with one when you get one.

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