Short Sale Cover Letter

Anyone have a good sample of a short sale cover letter


RonH(MD) confused


  • TheShortSalePro13th September, 2003

    Cover letter? For whom? The mortgagee asked to consider accepting less than they are due (as part of the application and accompanying Proposal) or to the distressed Seller asking them to consider selling at a discount, irrespective of how much they may owe?

  • ronaldhowe13th September, 2003

    My understanding is that a cover letter should be submitted as part of the short sale package explaining why I can't offer full price. Is this true? If not, could you please shead some light on what is included in the short sale package? Should this package be completed before talking to the Loss Mitigation dept.



  • Neill713th September, 2003

    you cant complete the Short Sale package until you know what the Loan Mitigation Department wants in the package. So, NO, you cant complete it before speaking with them.

    A good letter? I would like one too.

    Should include mention of hardship of the owner and poor condition of the home. Provides two things the bank needs to know. 1- owner cant sell (and cant afford to wait) and 2- the bank doesnt want to own this house.

    Dont forget to make an offer. You can make it a low one but you probably should mention a number here. IMHO you should not play the game of asking "what the lowest you would accept" while dealing with a short sale.

  • ronaldhowe13th September, 2003

    Thank you for your help Neill7


  • TheShortSalePro13th September, 2003

    Since a Short Sale Proposal is really a business proposal, my 'cover letter' is really an Executive Summary.

  • alubeck14th September, 2003

    Executive Summaries I've written for business plans tend to be 3-5 pages. Is this the length and detail you recommend?

    I've been writing 1 pagers. Keeping it simple.

  • TheShortSalePro15th September, 2003

    If you are seeking millions of dollars from a venture capitalist... whose team of attorneys and accountants will be coursing over your submission... a comprehensive ES might be indicated.

    But, for the most part, your Proposal will be read by folks who are over worked, underpaid, and will take the path of least resistance. Hit the highpoints. Preach the beneifts of accepting the Proposal, and, KISS.

  • DaveREI15th September, 2003

    yes I've got one!

  • janis16th September, 2003


    May I get a copy of the cover letter you use for short sales? Is this an option?

    Let me know.

    Thank you, Janis

  • benny2224th October, 2003


    Could you please send me a copy too? Thanks in advance.


  • EstherConnection4th October, 2003


    What you wrote sounds good! Can you send me a copy of a "cover letter" also for a "short sale"? Thanks!


  • OCSupertones5th October, 2003


    Were all looking for this elusive SS letter

    PM or email me too


  • bigdreamsgary9th October, 2003

    Hey Dave, Could I get a copy too?

  • tomjerry2009th October, 2003

    WIth your generosity could I also see the letter you recommend?

    **Please See My Profile**

  • Gonzo9th October, 2003

    Hi Dave,

    Can I get in on this SS letter too.

    Thanks Dave

    See my profile please

    [ Edited by Gonzo on Date 10/09/2003 ]

  • stealthmk10th October, 2003


    If you would be so kind as to please send me a copy of this letter.

  • Sash10th October, 2003


  • dsidhu10th October, 2003

    Dave -

    Just curious to see a work of art - pass it on over


  • nathan10th October, 2003

    I guess we are all looking for the same thing. I would like to see a copy of the letter you use also.



  • akasman10th October, 2003

    I realize that there are 12 people in front of me asking for this Cover Letter.....
    Yet can I also have a copy?

    Thank you!

    On 2003-09-15 08:06, DaveREI wrote:
    yes I've got one!

  • dougschulz10th October, 2003

    Dave; I would also be grateful for a copy of your letter. May I suggest posting it for all to see as part of your 'pre-foreclosure tips story'?

  • samedwin10th October, 2003

    Not to sound like a whiny kid, but...
    Me too?

  • doni4911th October, 2003

    As I used to say as a kid--"pretty please with sugar on top " can I get a look at your letter as well.

  • raggid15th October, 2003

    Me too, Me too Dave, Can I see your SS cover letter?

    Thanks in advance,

  • tchildress16th October, 2003

    Hi Dave,

    May I have a copy, too, please?

    Thank you,


  • CarolTheGreat17th October, 2003

    Can I please have a copy also?
    Thanks in advance

  • cmp30118th October, 2003

    I hate to jump onto this chorus of cries for the letter, 2! or is it me 19 by now

    you're the best!

  • jfmlv195018th October, 2003


    Why don't you post the letter up in the Freebie section with the other downloads?

    This way it is available to everyone who wants it and people won't have to ask for it?

    Just contact Joel and he can take care of it.

    Best of luck

    John (LV)

  • RESolutions29th October, 2003

    ...Ahemgrin...Yes I would also LOVE a copy of the cover letter..I am about to present a SS and it would be very timely...


  • TLHynicker29th October, 2003


    I know you heard this 100,000 time but I really would like to see a copy can someone get one to me too????
    E-Mail = TLHynicker@ aol com
    Thanks in advance
    Terry <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif"> [ Edited by TLHynicker on Date 10/29/2003 ]

  • egrinch29th October, 2003

    I sure am new to this web site but very interested in the subject, sure hope you can post this letter on the site someplace. It looks like the requests are overwhelming and naturally I would like to add mine.
    Thanks Dave

  • Esox30th October, 2003

    I would also love to get a copy also.
    Thanks in advance.


  • Lydia31st October, 2003

    I'd like a copy of the ss letter, too!



  • delgardo14th November, 2003

    On 2003-09-15 08:06, DaveREI wrote:
    yes I've got one!

    Hi Dave,
    is it possible to get a copy of this well wanted SS cover letter .

    Dwight <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_wink.gif">

    [ Edited by delgardo on Date 11/14/2003 ]

  • reibyme14th November, 2003

    Dave can i receive a copy too.

  • reibyme14th November, 2003

    On 2003-09-15 08:06, DaveREI wrote:
    yes I've got one!
    Dave can you seen me a copy.

  • demosthenes14th November, 2003

    If you get a chance dave and I would love to see a copy of your letter also thanks

  • lilmo197116th November, 2003

    If you get a chance dave and I would also love to have a copy of your letter..Thanks in advance...

  • jimh63416th November, 2003

    I'd like a copy of the ss letter too, thanks for doing this.


  • Brill16th November, 2003

    Okay I won't ask Dave because he has been asked a million times, but could one of you othr guys shoot me a copy.
    Many Thanks

    **Please See My Profile**


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