Sheriffs Sale

My boyfriends house has been put up for sheriffs sale by his exwife because of a judgement she has against him. the sale is 11/22, we were just served notice by the sheriff last saturday. it says he has 1 year to pay the amount after the sale. can we continue to live in the house or what.. What is our next step? We are in Iowa. Help I am completely confused


  • mcole20th October, 2005

    I don’t know the foreclosure laws in your state. But when I did a quick search, I was finding seemingly conflicting information. Some things I found said there was no redemption period, yet other information indicated there was.

    Either way, I would highly recommend your boyfriend contact an attorney that is familiar with foreclosure in your area.

    In the meantime, here’s a couple of sites that might be helpful.
    http://www.****This URL Not allowed****.com/basics.html

  • jjjones21st October, 2005

    Thanks for the warnig, I know this is not repayment for your loss of time money and enery, but just remember what comes around goes around, and one day he will get what he deserves.

  • blundon21st October, 2005

    Thanks. I live by that same rule. Best of luck to you.

  • ttime21st October, 2005

    As long as there is a post on this subject, another name to watch out for is John Ross. I can give a lot of details. Beware!

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