Sheriff Sale information posted in the newspaper

On the Sheriff Sale paperwork it reads:
Name of a Bank
Person's name

Next to the person's name it reads:

et al.


Bank One
John Doe, et al.

Can you explain what et al. means.

Thank you very much.


  • tanya121530th May, 2003

    et al means "and others"

  • house2house30th May, 2003

    Thank you very much!!!!

  • sisayako30th May, 2003

    Would those "others" be lien holders? Does this mean that there are potientially multiple liens on the property?

  • tanya121530th May, 2003

    It means that there may be other people who have interests in the property, but it doesn't have to be a leinholder. It could be another person who is one the deed. For example, if a man buys a home and gets a loan under his name, then gets married and adds his wife to the deed, she has an interest in the property. You will have to review the actual documents to find out.

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