Shareef/ Destinyhomes ALERT:

I have been ripped off $ 1,000.00 from Mrs shareef. and an accomplis Aminah staley. Has any one else had any simmilar expierence? She advertises on this web site!

They mislead me about the condition of a property in greensbrough n c and asked for $ 1,000.00 to hold in earnest until i was able to look at it. when i did i was in shock as to its true condition. I decided not to buy it and she would not give the deposit back. In fact i found out from my bank she cashed my deposit check 5 days before we even looked at the property.

Stay clear of this theif and cheat. I have been sent a letter by the Attorney Generals Office for consumer protection, they want my information to go after her.

Once again stay clear of the person >smile


  • JohnLocke31st August, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    I am displeased to say the least this happened to you. I am not familiar with this person, where did she advertise at on this site?

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • j_owley31st August, 2003

    if you click on the green TCI tab at the top of page, it takes you to advertised listings that people are trying to sell on this web site. they are listed by state. i ran across her in the listings for north carolia, in the greensbrough area.

    What a lesson, i guess if there is a way to rip people off, some one has thought of it

    thank you for responding John

  • rei_cat31st August, 2003

    Sorry to hear what happened to you -- but we ALL really got to be careful. TCI is a great forum, but because it is open to anyone (impractical to do criminal or background checks w/each new registration) we really need to watch out for ourselves. The medium is still the internet -- scammers are everywhere.

    Thanks for the heads up -- perhaps there should be a member review function like on EBAY where we can rate our experiences w/one another & be able to post positive & negative comments as needed.

  • JohnLocke31st August, 2003


    Your welcome.

    For future reference always and I mean always document any conversations in writing when you are sending someone a deposit check or when money is involved.

    You can write on the back of a deposit check something like "This check is for a deposit on 123 Elm Street, endorsee agrees this is a refundable deposit.

    Then if they cash the check and refuse to return your deposit, you would then send by registered mail a demand letter requesting the return of your money in 10 days.

    If they don't return the money then you can proceed to the Attorney Generals office or Small Claims Court. But, you have the documentation you will need. I know it maybe a little late this time but in the future get it in writing.

    I only wish handshakes were still in fashion.

    I will speak to Joel about this and get his take about what should be done if someone is not playing the game by the rules.

    John $Cash$ Locke[ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 08/31/2003 ]

  • j_owley1st September, 2003

    Dear John: Thank you for the reply!

    I did send a letter with the check and i have a copy. but there was no written purchace agreement, I at the time did not know one was needed for a deposit, she was acting as a realtor.

    It was a reminder on being carfull


  • lp11st September, 2003

    if she is a realtor, then you can report her to the dept of state licensing bureau. they have a code of ethics that a realtor must abide by.such as open and honest dealings. she can lose her license and be fined if she is found to have misrepresented herself...also prior to accepting any offer on a property (In NY anyway) there must be a written disclosure given to any prospective buyer that says who the realtor represents ( the buyer or the seller). In this case the realtor is the owner so a written disclosure should have been given to you that you had to acknowledge by signing it. if not she can lose her license and be fined for not doing that. i would suggest that you send her a certified letter to her indicating that she misrepresentd herself and that no disclosure was given and that she has 7 days to return your deposit or you will report her...and trust me the licensing board does investigate and they do suspend licenses....

  • flynny1st September, 2003

    I am sorry to hear about your misfortune. People like that drive me nuts. If you would like, I can refer you to my RE attorney. He's a great guy who can talk to you and tell you exactly what needs to be done. This is unacceptable and scum like that need to have consequences. Good luck!!!


  • JohnLocke1st September, 2003


    Your idea is a good one.

    However, I would rather see an Arbitration Panel made up of people who post on this board. This way before anything is made public the board would have the chance to review both sides and then make a decision. Then make that decision public.

    My reasoning behind this is sometimes you have "poster plants" on boards who are there to discredit others. I am not saying this is j_owley's case, but I have seen it happen many times.

    These "poster plants" have ulterior motives for various reasons, even if they don't like the way you part your hair.

    There are many reasons you have Moderators here at TCI, one of them is if they see someone posting mis-information they immediately either delete the post or ask the person to explain their position. This way the new person is not subjected to info that could harm them.

    We do have to police ourselves in this industry as should be done in all industry's, just a few ideas I have.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • flynny1st September, 2003


    Your post is full of wisdom and diplomacy and one that is a viable option. I apologize for jumping to conclusions. Thanks for stating a rather Clintonian solution. It was very well put!!


  • JohnLocke1st September, 2003



    I just sounded better "than there are two sides to every story and somewhere in the middle is the truth."

    Thank you for your kind words.

    John $Cash$ Locke

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