Selling A Mold House

Having read many postings about mold, I have a simple question: Will people buy house which has mold before?
provided that we do all our diligence; remove all the mold and get a qualified mold analyst to prove there are no more mold, disclose when selling the hosue and even have the buyer sign off for wavier of any future litigation.
Thanks for sharing your experience of selling a used-to-be-mold-house.


  • mattfish1110th January, 2005

    Although I have never dealt with selling a used-to-be moldy house, I would think that a certified inspector that gives his blessing that there is no mold in the house would be good enough for the new buyer to accept...

    As for future litigation, I would ask an attorney what the best way to protect yourself there would be...

    Good Luck!

  • InActive_Account10th January, 2005

    People will buy any house if the price is right.

    I wouldn't try to prove anything in regard to the house being free from mold. Show the buyers what you have done, but give them nothing in writing that says you fixed it. What happens when the kids slop water out of the tub for 6 months and mold gets going somewhere, who do you think they are going to blame - you for selling them a faulty house or the kids?

    Disclosure statement will CYA. Disclose the house has mold, all parties sign knowing it had mold.

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