Seller Is Backing Out Of A Real Estate Transaction..HELP


I have been in Escrow for 10 days out of a 60 day escrow. My purchase contract doesnt have an contingencies only that the seller chooses the escrow and title company. I have been looking for a home for a while and found the one I thinkis the best in that area. Each Month the Values seem to increase to I decided to commit. Anyway. About 2 days ago my Agent calls me and says he has bad news. He stated, "The seller has decided she doenst want to sell anymore". What can I do. I have a feeling she has a better offer. I really want this house. Ive heard that the courts will not uphold and force a seller to sell. If thats the case what is the point of having any kind of contract? I would greatly appreciate any feedback.



  • lakotega25th July, 2005

    Ask a real estate attorney, but, if you are not in breach of contract, you should be able to sue for specific performance (i.e., the sale of the house).

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