Seized Real Estate Auction

Hello everyone iam probably the most inexperienced individual on this board. Yet here goes. I have recently seen some sights for Seized Real Estate Auctions . If i wanted to bid and purchase a property as such for investment purposes or flipping puropses. How can i know how much the property is actually worth or if i am getting a smoking deal or not if i actually win the bidding. Also say i buy a place at 100000 and the property next door with simialr characteristics is 150000. Since the property was bought at an auction will the value be 150000? WIll any one buy it at that price from me or will the value depreciate since it was a seized property?? meaning i could only get for the property what i paid for at the auction. grin


  • cjmazur23rd June, 2004

    seized or not won't bare much on price, unless the property itself was some how hurt during the seizure.

    if you paid 100K, you know it was worth 100K to you. You can look at comps in the area an see what other people bought for recently.

    As far as evaluating, the same as the house next door, except it's not next door. However, with many recorder's offices on line and even images of documents able to be pulled, you can do alot sight unseen.

  • maxwellpropertyinvestment23rd June, 2004

    If you can buy a property for $100,000. and the comps are at $150,000. you better jump or someone else will.

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