Seeds Grow Into a Bountiful Harvest

We are excited you have joined the ranks of TCI. You have made the right choice because real estate is one of the few remaining proven vehicles to become independently wealthy. This community is a place for you to grow and for many grow their real estate investing business.

Our goal is to encourage the real estate investor to never leave home with your ‘handful of seeds.’ The seeds you carry may be flyers, post-it notes, business cards, a telephone script, bandit signs, DayTimer, Bird Dog eBook, or a yellow pad of paper. If your desire is to build a business, you must be prepared to work similar to the lifestyle of a farmer. We farmers are early risers and tend the delicate needs of the land. There is a process to which every farmer/investor must follow for the land/business:

Use the right combination of tools to get the job done –

Determine which tools are needed BEFORE you plant your seeds. Knowledge is power yet fear can reduce a bright thinker to nothing. The trained professional is equipped to survive when adversity arrives. The investor, at any level, must continually train and refine the tool handling skills.

Plant seeds in the right soil –

As the farmer/investor your responsibility is to determine the soil type for the seed to survive. Seeds for sandy soil do not survive in the clay. Likewise, your business will not survive if it is built without proper planning.

If your seed of choice is a business card, add value to the paper you distribute by telling the story as to why you selected the business name, colors and layout. What makes your card different, or unique? Did you forget your personality? The business card is an extension of you. Take the responsibility to plant this seed with a message. We believe that seeds easily travel by word of mouth and grow into a harvest in other territories.

The seed of verbal communication is invaluable, if you dislike people; a profitable real estate investing company may exhibit limitations. Learn to converse on every level, practice planting seeds in public spaces, private meetings, parties, parking lots, and near the park.

Watch for the weeds for they can choke the harvest –

Distractions, procrastination, laziness, and poorly managed priorities, are the weeds which will choke the harvest. Identify the recurring weeds and monitor your success. The strongest weed killer for the real estate investor is organization. Remember to document your goals and measure the progress.

Prepare for the harvest with skilled workers –

“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one you’re gonna get.” – Forrest Gump. The successful real estate investor will have a harvest, and can never work alone. The seeds you plant will harvest throughout the year so you must surround yourself around like minded farmers/investors who understand and require a limited amount of training to bring in the harvest. Share the knowledge because when you do, you learn something in the process.

Life is colorful and so are you!

Eric & Rosa


  • norrist20th November, 2003

    How easy it is to forget to work "on" your business, not "in" your business. This applies to many endeavors we decide to undertake, but how vital it is in the context of building our business. Thanks for the reminder!

  • Lufos25th November, 2003

    Dear Eric and Rosa,

    Thank you for your beautiful inspiring article. It was lovely to read and I enjoyed every minute of it.

    A most excellent mote the utilization of a garden for the real estate we tend. I like that. I have always wished I had a green thumb. But alas the infinite powers have endowed me with a thumb which is mostly black and blue from missed blows of a hammer. Blows received in the course of constructing small improvements.

    I have a neighbor who is a really delightful soul. Frankly if he were Catholic I am sure he would have been deified. He also tends a garden which is the envy of the neighborhood. In keeping with his love of mankind and botany, he has a small selected patch in the center, well hidden from the view of casual visitors. Within this confine he allows a weed to grow. to a mature state at which time he cuts it and sets it aside. When it is dried he rolls it carefully, encases in paper and smokes it. When close by one has to be careful not to achieve an early stage of satory, cause man this is good stuff.

    He invests heavily in real estate that is during those moments when he is truly here. I think his success is due not so much to those moments of total lucidity but to the inspirations and instructions he receives as to market direction while inhailing.

    Again thank you for sharing.


  • Lufos25th November, 2003

    Dear Eric and Rosa,

    Thank you for your beautiful inspiring article. It was lovely to read and I enjoyed every minute of it.

    A most excellent mote the utilization of a garden for the real estate we tend. I like that. I have always wished I had a green thumb. But alas the infinite powers have endowed me with a thumb which is mostly black and blue from missed blows of a hammer. Blows received in the course of constructing small improvements.

    I have a neighbor who is a really delightful soul. Frankly if he were Catholic I am sure he would have been deified. He also tends a garden which is the envy of the neighborhood. In keeping with his love of mankind and botany, he has a small selected patch in the center, well hidden from the view of casual visitors. Within this confine he allows a weed to grow. to a mature state at which time he cuts it and sets it aside. When it is dried he rolls it carefully, encases in paper and smokes it. When close by one has to be careful not to achieve an early stage of satory, cause man this is good stuff.

    He invests heavily in real estate that is during those moments when he is truly here. I think his success is due not so much to those moments of total lucidity but to the inspirations and instructions he receives as to market direction while inhailing.

    Again thank you for sharing.


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