Section 8 Tenants And Management It Good Idea?
Does it happen very often that you rent to a section 8 tenant and then within a few months they are disqualified from the program and you are stuck with them not paying rent?
I want to get a management co. to manage my property because i want section 8 tenants ( good money )
is it a good idea???
In my area once you sign a one year contract you are paid for that year. Regardless if the tenant moves or gets thrown off of the program. The only way it is breakable is due to death All of my properties are section 8.
Yes, after some thinking I am going to go section 8 with all the properties I buy from now on. I just got a triplex in Las Vegas, tomorrow I'll contact a management company and go sec 8. I am almost done with all the repairs, ( I am doing them myself) just need to paint outside, eventhough it doesn't look bad as it is
thank you Lori