Sec 8 Info

Where can I get some section 8 housing information on here? I would like it to be pretty specific and detailed. Thanks for any help.



  • rjs93529th February, 2004

    Umm, not to be rude but have you tried picking up the phone and calling and seeing who would have the information you are looking for? Try looking under government phone numbers in the phone book.

    Ryan J. Schnabel

  • CURTWILL9th February, 2004

    Allready did that. I was just wanting to talk to some one who deals with sec 8.
    They are very vague with their info about it.


  • Lisa5379th February, 2004

    Curt, don't take it personal but Ryan is right. You have to call them and get that information. When you call just explain to them the reason you are calling and if they can point you in the right direction. Maybe the question you should ask is "how do I go about renting my property to section 8"? That might work. Good Luck.

  • jaime39th February, 2004


    I feel your pain. I use section 8 in my markets and they don't share much in the way of details over the phone. Hopefully, I can shed some light on what you need to know. The program is set up either by your local housing authority or housing dept. The only thing you need to do to advertise with them is get in touch with the general operator and let them know you would like to list your properties with them. That's the easy part. After that you will receive calls from people holding section 8 vouchers interested in renting your apartment/house. You need to go through your normal screening procedures with these individuals. Section 8 will not assist you with this in most cases. Once you approve an individual to move into your property you have to fill out the voucher and get it back to the section 8 office. The next step is to make sure the unit is ready for an inspection. You should be able to get a form from section 8 that tells you what they look for during their inspections. Most of it is pretty basic. Your unit must be habitable, free from pests, have no lead based paint or mold issues, have hard wired smoke detectors with battery back up, fresh paint in most cases, exterior must be sealed properly,

  • jaime39th February, 2004


    Sorry I got so long winded. If you need to know anything else feel free to contact me directly at **Please See My Profile** Hope that helps you. Good luck.

  • pinkflamingo9th February, 2004

    We deal quite a bit with Section 8 (we are in MD) and yes it's difficult to get straight answers out of anyone sometimes. Each section 8 voucher recipient is allotted a certain "dollar amount" that their voucher goes up to, depending on family size, etc. Participants must pay a portion of their "income" towards rent, but if they have no "income", then section 8 pays the entire rental amount. Basically Jaime3 gave a good description of what they look for. You cannot charge more than the going rate in your area for the same type rental property to a section 8 participant. Here we sign a one year lease (after we approve the tenant and the unit is inspected) thereafter it becomes month to month and the tenant must give 30 days notice of intent to move or they lose their voucher. The inspector comes out once a year to reinspect the property to make sure it's kept up to HUD standards. Each participant has their own "counselor" (i.e. caseworker) and once you have a potential tenant you talk to that persons' counselor regarding the case specifics. Also the participant's paperwork usually states the maximum amount of the voucher. Yes, I know, confusing, but what else would you expect from a government program?? The section 8 program does not give security deposits (in some cases they will "loan" the participant the funds but that is on a case-by-case basis), but never rent without one. It's amazing how some people who dont "work" can suddenly come up with $1000 or more if they want to move into a place. Dont take any sob stories, and check rental references.
    You can pm me if you have any other questions. I dont know if the program varies from state to state, I assume it's basically the same.

  • DaveT9th February, 2004

    Quote:Where can I get some section 8 housing information on here? I would like it to be pretty specific and detailed.Curt,

    Try reviewing the previous posts in the Landlord Forum. There are several topics posted that address the pros and cons of Section 8 landlording.

  • edmeyer9th February, 2004

    If the above posts do not answer you questions and if you have looked at some of the threads that Dave T suggested, you might be more specific about what you are looking for. There are a number of people on TCI (including me) who have section 8 tenants. We will be happy to help.

  • CURTWILL9th February, 2004

    Thanks for the replies. It has really been alot of help, now that I know where to get the info I need hopefully I can make a little bit more sense of what I need

    thank you


  • gamado9th February, 2004

    I rent to section 8 tenants. I'd just like to stress the tenant screening process. Avoid a lot of trouble by getting references.

    just my 2cents

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