Searching For Lis Pendens
hello fellow investors. I have a question. how do you search for lis pendens online at your county recorders office if the list for searching purposes does not have the words (legal terms), lis pendens or notice of default?
Thanks in advance,
Depends on your state. Contact the county recorders office and they will be glad to show you how to search the public records in your county.
That is a good question because like I have said in several other posts, I went to my county's recorder office and asked them for a list of lis pendens and she acted like she didn't know what I was talking about. I then asked for a list of preforclosures and she still seemed puzzled, I had to get a little more detail. There are websites that service certain counties online, realtytrac is one although I have found a better source for my county. You just have to do searches. I would ask someone at the recorder's office to help you with this if you are searching there.[ Edited by kellyntx on Date 03/05/2004 ]
You should remember that the filing of a lis pendens is not limited to foreclosure or pre-foreclosure situations. A lis pendens is filed against a property by someone who claims to have some type of ownership right in the property and wants to prevent title from being conveyed.