Screening For Motivated Sellers?

What are some good questions to help screen motivated sellers? Thnx a bunch.


  • harddtime20th September, 2004

    does anyone have a reply or am i just wasting my time?

  • JohnLocke20th September, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    Are you saying "I want an answer and I want it now?"

    Instead of saying "Fellow members I can use some advice here, it's important to me."

    First lesson on how do get the desired results don't take it personally, however if you ask nicely you are more apt to get an answer even from a motivated seller.

    Now since I have done a deal or two I will tell you how I prescreen a motivated seller.

    First they call me so I consider this motivation to start with or why did they call?

    This is John how can I help you?

    If they don't say there name I say "Your first name was?"

    Then I say "Pete tell me a little about your property", a few more chit chat questions to get them talking, usually done properly they will tell you everything about their property and some things you don't even want to know about them.

    Then the big question "What is your address?" Next question what is a good day and time to see your property?. Then I set an appointment to see the property and say good bye.

    Now my due dilignece starts so with in about 15 minutes after I hang up I know how much their mortgage payment is, what they paid for the property, the interest rate of their loan and several other things that help me determine their motivation so when I meet them face to face I know what to say to the seller should I want the property.

    Pretty easy isn't it?

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • classimg20th September, 2004

    Good advice John,

    We would also like to add there are a heaping of do-it-yourself types who are motivated YET not creative. So be balanced within the approach and distinguish their element of strength. There are many educated consumers without a real estate background knowledgable enough with the use of the Internet. Our script is similar to the posting from John. Our twist is to determine if other investors they have called are interested in their property. (You may get into a bidding war) The results are mixed.

    Good luck,
    Eric & Rosa

  • harddtime20th September, 2004

    I apologize for the comment, u're right and I appreciate the tip.

  • loon20th September, 2004

    Not everyone who calls is very motivated. Some think you're rich and craxy and can just come out and write a check for whatever number they name. If a prospect sounds motivated, I ask, "On a scale of one to ten, how badly do you need to sell your place?" I also ask " are you behind on your payments?" which can indicate motivation too. This can flush them out, or at least get them to articulate their denial.

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