Scott Rister - Wholesaling Course Reviews?

I have been trying to do some research on the Scott Rister course offered here on TCI for sale, but keep getting sidetracked with other Threads since the search feature is not available on my status.....

Has anyone purchased and reviewed the materials of this course? What I am looking for is a few vitamins to go along with all the Wheaties I in-take daily from the Forums here @ TCI..

Any info that can be shared on this Course would be greatly appreciated..

Thanks in advance!



  • moneynow525th October, 2004

    Check out the Real Estate Course Reviews website at

  • moneynow525th October, 2004

    Check out the Real Estate Course Reviews website at

  • wheresmy7x25th October, 2004

    Thanks I was unaware of that resource!


  • InActive_Account26th October, 2004

    I have just ordered this course, I will post some feedback after I review the material..


  • tinman175526th October, 2004

    With all these questions you might be better off going to a REI Meeting in your area. There are many people that go to the meetings that Mentor people such as yourself.

    I use forms from a book called 301 Legal Forms & Agreements. It has a basic assignment contract in it. I always use the forms form there and elaborate by putting additional clauses of my own it the final contract.


  • MikeT101326th October, 2004

    yes visit your local reia

    I have read that there must be clauses in there to for instance beein able to cancell the contract if i don't come up with an investor that want to purchase the property. What other clauses must be included.

    Financing and Inspection periods..

    Another thing Assignment of contracts once i have control of a property for sale by motivated seller and have my list rehab home investors what you i do tell them i have a home under contract under fmv and offer them the contract for $X amount of money or what I don't want to go thru the hazzle of going thru closing costs and what not.

    that sums it up..

    Would I just sign them over the assigment of contract with the original signed contract from the orginal owner or what.?

    yes, original contract and a assignment of contract stating you are assigning your contract over to so n so for x amount

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