Scammed By A RE Guru!!

I recently joined a RE "mentoring" program for $250, that guaranteed a 90-day money back guarantee if it did not produce results. The program goes by 'CMLA (Consumer Mortgage Loan Advocate)', and I won't state the guru's name here - I believe he has already been booted from TCI!!

For 30 days, the guru sent me all kinds of forms and files, and help conference calls, etc. When I reqeusted to be removed from the program and get my money back, he stopped all communication with me, removed me from the group (which is just an MSN group), and of course did NOT refund my money! So he did honor my request to remove me from his program, but would not refund my money or even give me an explanation as to WHY! Now my calls and emails to him go unanswered, and I'm looking for any method I can to either get my $$ back or expose him as a SCAM or BOTH!

If anyone reading this thinks they know what program I am referring to, please speak up!! I would like to know if anyone else has been scammed by this guy. I know he did a LOT of posting on this site - many people here know who this is... and I don't want anyone else to get in with him knowing that he is dishonest!

thanks[ Edited by edjspi on Date 03/08/2004 ]


  • BMan8th March, 2004

    only one way to make sure people dont get sucked into this scam (if it is a scam) is to let everyone know who/what it is..................[ Edited by BMan on Date 03/08/2004 ]

  • Kica8th March, 2004

    Just dispute the charge with your credit card copmpany citing his liberal refund policy. I hope it has been less than 60 days.

  • bginvestor8th March, 2004

    So whatever happen to DerrickALi???

  • jonna_nixon8th March, 2004

    I am assuming that because you posted this in the Ron LeGrand forum you are speaking of a program of his. If for any reason my assumption is incorrect please let me know!

    Sorry to hear about the scam. Definitely call you credit card company and they can help you out. Also call the Better Business Bureau.

  • InActive_Account8th March, 2004

    Yes it was Derrick Ali - i didn't want to say it for fear that they would yank the post off of here....

    I WAS going to dispute the CC charge - but the problem is that I paid him with a credit card via PayPal!! and if I dispute the CC charge, they will charge back PayPal, and paypal will then suspend my account until they get their money. I've had this happen to me before, and it is a nightmare I never want to encounter again... unless I just don't care about using PayPal again, but I use it often!

    I'm sure that Derrick sets up his payment this way because he KNOWS this is how it works when you try to dispute a charge.... more evidence of SCAM.
    BEWARE OF DERRICK ALI and his CMLA program!!

    and hey Jonna - this is Eddie! haven't heard from you in a while - how are you doing?

  • rajwarrior8th March, 2004

    As far as disputing the charge, do that thru Paypal, and not your credit card. Paypal should refund your money if you supply them with all of the information.


  • joel8th March, 2004

    Please review his material in the Reviews section of this area. And just as a FYI to everyone. If you don't purchase items through TCI, we have no proof of the transaction was ever done therefore we cannot help get your money back.

    This is a benefit of having an internet community working with people, if one person craps on somebody, the community will know about it.

  • InActive_Account8th March, 2004

    that's EXACTLY why I wanted to post on TCI about my experience with Derrick Ali - because this internet community is so great and valuable, and I know a LOT of people come here for advice, especially newbies.

    let me clarify though: I DID NOT buy Derrick Ali's program through TCI. I bought it directly from him. at the time, if I knew that i could buy it through TCI, I most certainly would have done that!


  • joel8th March, 2004

    I would review Derricks Coaching. Go to the Partners tab, click on Derrick and review the coaching.

    But FYI, we don't post rants. We only post reviews. You must put in your review what you liked as well as what you didn't like, etc.

    I am locking this topic, as this should have been in the reviews section to start of with.[ Edited by joel on Date 03/08/2004 ]

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