Satellite Dish Issue

I have a building under contract, and since I signed, one of the tenants installed a Satellite Dish. The installation was a complete hack job, and I do not want the other tenants to get the same idea, and start installing these things before I close. What can I do to prevent this from happening, and do I have the right to demand they remove them after I take over the building? Someone told me that there is a law that protects the tenants who wish to utilize satellite services? I find this hard to believe, as they must alter a building that they do not own. Any feedback will be appreciated.


  • JohnLocke19th January, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    I am going to go off the top of my head trying to remember the ruling, but it prevented homeowner associations from stopping people from installing satelite dishes in community's.

    At one time several HOA's were saying that aesthetically satellite dishes were not allowed, until the FCC stepped in and said yes they are.

    I don't believe in your case that renters are allowed to do this.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • cygnus19th January, 2004

    For the future...I've got a clause in the lease that nothing like that can be installed without written permission. Assign a penalty and at least this way you stay in control.

    You might try to explain that they can't just go around hacking your home and that you will charge them for someone to come and re-install the offending device. Maybe say you'll split the cost if your a nice guy

  • myfrogger19th January, 2004

    Although this hasn't been a concern of mine yet as I do not yet own rental property, I did think about this topic and thought a good way to overcome the issue is to wire the houses for cable and/or satellite already. Make a special spot for the satellite dish, etc...

    I know a few people who have done this and it has dramatically cut down on costs. Another thing is to throw in cable. Building owners can get cable for fractions of the retail price at times.

  • Japher19th January, 2004

    All the leases I have ever signed forbid me from altering the property in any way.

    Besides that, it might behoove you to look into setting up the entire complex for such a service (if the tenants so desire) in order to prevent other tenants from making the same mistake. It may even prove to be a good trend to rent out "satelite ready" apartments... I know that they are able to rout satelites these days to have separate independent viewing on multiple sets. Perhapse they could wire a whole building on one satelite?

  • orlandorealestateinvestor19th January, 2004

    I personally had this happen to me with my home owners assc. You can not forbid them from having a sat dish. Federal Law states that if that is how they choose to their televison you have no choice but to comply. My recommendation to you is put a clause in the contract stating that they must be professionally installed. Then you will be able to avoid hack jobs like that. The down side to this FCC ruling is they can put it anywhere they need to to get a signal and that means anywhere. Who cares how it looks like on your property. You might want to negotiate with the tennants and allow them to keep the sat dish on the roof of the complex and that they are professionally installed. Check the FCC website for more info. They will also provide a lawyer for big bad landlords/homeowners who want to pull a fast one. At least in my case they offered. Hope this help and keep us posted
    Sorry it wasnt more positive on your side

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