Sandwich L/O - Meeting With Sellers

Ok, I have an appointment to meet with seller this week and want to be prepared for possible objections.

When you market yourself as a property manager over the phone with the seller, how do you overcome them questioning why we want to possibly purchase the house(when going through the lease purchase contract with them) if we are only suppposed to be a management company(managing tenants)?

Are there any common objections one gets from the sellers that I should be aware of and ready for? Can you provide some coaching for those common objections?

Do you typically go through the contract with the seller?




  • LeaseOptionKing15th June, 2008

    When you market yourself as a property manager over the phone with the seller, how do you overcome them questioning why we want to possibly purchase the house(when going through the lease purchase contract with them) if we are only suppposed to be a management company(managing tenants)?

    Why are you telling them you are the property manager? Bad idea. Which Course taught you that?

    Are there any common objections one gets from the sellers that I should be aware of and ready for? Can you provide some coaching for those common objections?

    Yes, a lot of them. Too much to type.

    Do you typically go through the contract with the seller?


  • nateham1515th June, 2008

    I was using a script from Michael Claiborne(Naked Investor). If that is a bad idea, what is a "good idea" when talking to sellers over the phone? I recall you mentioning the property manager stance in a previous post also. Oh well. Why is that bad idea?

    If there are too many objections to mention, then can you give the first two that come to mind from your previous deals and how you overcame them?

    Thanks LOK.


  • nateham1521st June, 2008


    After saying this over the phone, do you go ahead and schedule the appointment with the homeowner, if they are interested in hearing more? Or are there additional qualifying questions before you meet with them?



  • LeaseOptionKing22nd June, 2008

    I ask one question to build rapport : "So, tell me a little about your house."

    Then after the conversation topic gets away from the house, I bring it back by saying: "That sounds like a really nice house you have there. Let me ask you this, why are you selling?"

    If I think they are motivated, then I go into the short script I wrote above. Nothing else should be discussed over the phone.

  • nateham1524th June, 2008


    Do you bring any printed materials(brochures, presentation, ect) with you when you meet with a seller? Some would say this would make one look more legit and professional. Thoughts?

    Also, in your niche agreements, who is the option money made out to? You or the seller? If the seller, then how do you insure you get your share?


  • nateham1527th June, 2008

    Sorry, I was probably asking for too much on that last post.

    I really appreciate all the help and advise you give on this site.

    You Rock!



  • DavidCastle24th June, 2009

    After saying this over the phone, do you go ahead and schedule the appointment with the homeowner, if they are interested in hearing more? Or are there additional qualifying questions before you meet with them?

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