Russ Dalbey course

Does anybody have any experiences with Russ Dalbey's note network course or The America's Note Network website?

If you do, either positive or negative, I would like to hear from you.

I am wondering if this is a good way to get into the CREI business.

Thanks in advance.


  • JohnMichael18th February, 2003

    I have reviewed Russ' course; his course has gaps in it and kind of leaves you hanging as far as what to do next.

    But if you order more products from him then you seem to learn more. It seems that the courses are like a puzzle and you will have to get all the pieces of the puzzle before it all comes together.

    The end result is $1,000's of dollars to learn the game.

    My best advise is simply spend months of researching and getting the same information for free or pay for the courses and save time but the cost is in excess of 5k for the full game.

    It's a choice folks, you pay for another's research or just do it your self.

  • Ladybug4th March, 2003

    I have also looked at the note network site. Try there you can subscribe to a free newsletter and a free course. I have received two lessons already, you get one lesson every 4 days to allow you to digest the lessons fully. I think it is a very serious and thorough course and as I said before, it is free, check it out. I don't know very much about notes, not the in's and out's, but already I have learned a whole lot.

  • williamqualter5th March, 2003

    The Dalbey Course can be purchased for 21.50-shipping included. Call them and ask for the slightly damaged/scratched returns. I did this and everything was perfect. For 21.50 its a great little intro, and they still give full support.
    >I used the savings to buy additional books from other authors.[ Edited by williamqualter on Date 03/06/2003 ]

  • HeidiWhite5th March, 2003

    Another way to get started is to just find notes for sale. I have a flyer I use - and I leave it around town. Plus I tell everyone I meet (who might possibly care) that "I buy notes." I especially talk to business owners.

    Once you get a lead - call a more experienced note broker and they'll have the funding resources. Do a few deals with them and you'll be ready to go on your own.

    Good Luck

  • Enigma9th April, 2003

    That suggestion is fabulous. I called and they do in fact sell these returns for 21.50. How could you lose?


  • Val9th April, 2003

    I bought Russ Dalby's course last year, and agree with the earlier post. There were alot of gaps in the information and they use high pressure tactics to sell you more information. I would take the suggestions here and do your research online and ask alot of questions, I just figured with interest rates being as low as they are, alot of people are refi-ing out of their high interest rate loans. I ran into more buyer's of notes than sellers.

    My .02

  • StaceyWyatt19th April, 2003


    First of all, Russ Dalbey's course Winning in The Cash Flow game has some solid information, but it is not organized well enough. If you are a beginner in the "Paper Business" there is a VERY simple strategy to use to make money; however, this course does not provide a clear, concise way to present the information.

    I audited a fellow investor's materials but heard her story about their sales tactics... I am VERY opposed to their hard core, high pressured sales tactics... you do not get this from other leaders in the CRE world...

    My recommendation is:

    1. If you want to pay for some good information, I believe American Cash Flow is the way to go... I only deal with Notes collateralized by Real Estate, but they can teach you many other note and invoice buying strategies...

    2. Do your own research and save the money. If you concentrate on Private Mortgage Notes, then it can very easy.... Find a Note, Fill Out a Worksheet, Send It To a Master Broker and Get a Bid, Add Your Fee, Call the Note Holder and Get Them To Agree... BAM, step aside let the Broker close the deal and wait for your cash!

    Best of Luck!

  • TimC22nd April, 2003


    New here butht e second part of your reply seems to be exactly what Russ Dalbys course describes.....

    Has anyonehad any luck with this system in particular....and has anyone purchased hteri guaratneed traffic flow of sellers and buyers of notes?

  • Terilyn24th April, 2003

    I too have seen Russ Dalbey's infomercial and It did seem too good to be true...does anyone know the best way to find cash notes ?? Also I am interested in any other advice on buying rehab properties and the best way of finding financing for these types of properties,

    Thanks [ Edited by Terilyn on Date 04/24/2003 ]

  • Prince10th June, 2003

    I have tried russ's course for the past several months to no avail so far{somethings not clicking???}, be aware that when you list notes on there, predators will call or e-mail you acting like they are notebuyers but actually they are investors like yourself; trying to steal deals. That note finding/selling business takes alot of dedication.[time and plenty of effort]

  • abigale9827th July, 2003

    Just looking into this myself. And there's some good advice here. But how does one find a note broker and how much commission would be standard. Thanks. Jo-Ann

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