Rural Short Sell

I have been following from the sidelines but have noticed that no-one is doing these in our county (10,000 people) yet there are 2-3 each month where the notice is posted in the paper.
I just bought a course on it, though I understand the basic concepts I want to get it right the first time.
THis leads me to believe that maybe there are other opportunities like this outside of the big city? may not hurt to look at some of the surrounding towns. Once you do a few of these word would get around and you hsould see referrals.
ANy thoughts? cool smile


  • way_motivated9th July, 2003

    the only problem i've seen with rural areas is it usually takes a little longer to sell, i guess a plus would be, as you've stated, getting known around town...referrals are always a great source of business

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