Running Around In Circles.

iv been looking for owners of SFH in west palm area that will be willing to do a L/O . im comming accross people that want a large down payment like anywhere from 15k to 20k , shit if i had this much i would proubly be able to work out some kind of conventional financing but the thing is i only have 7k to work with and im kinda hesitent to put this all on a " option consideration" down payment. so now im planning on running an add in the local paper.
OK , does anyone have some ideas on finding these flexible sellers ?? im not getting anywhere by finding listings and then calling . another thing passing out flyers and posting sign is out of the question , i live in San Diego and am flying back in 2 weeks .Also if you have some ideas for what a eye cathing add should say , that woud attract these sellers id love to know . All thoughts count ! :-o


  • KyleGatton14th April, 2004

    Go to a lower income area. The houses you are looking at are from people that are used to having that much cash. If you cant afford that much then start at cheaper houses, or look into blue collar worker areas. An advertisement would be easier. Also you may want to contact the people that are in foreclosure, or pre foreclosure as they would be more deperate for the cash or just a way out of there loan for no or little money.

    Good Luck,

  • commercialking14th April, 2004

    So if you're from SanDiego what are you doing trying to buy stuff in West Palm?

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