Rules Violations

TCI Moderators,

I would like to put the following out for discussion.

I have deleted as many as 10 or more posts from a poster in a single day who has violated the rules, since sometimes another Moderator does not see that this poster is a problem I was thinking that maybe the following would be a way to pull up the poster and show the board how many violations we take care of in a day.

This would also let the board and a poster not living up to the rules know there is a problem.


There are other ways:

1) Network. Network. Network.

2) Seach your recorder's office for private note holders and contact them.




Number 3 was "call me" from this poster. We have posters asking why their post was deleted and trying to remember each individual case is impossible without some reference point. This should also cut down on the violations since it is there for the poster and board to see.

One of the Moderators just posted "rules" instead of the entire link which I thought was great. The "rules" took them to the rules. Not having my pocket protector on I would like to know how this was done?

I think we all would be amazed as to how many posts in a day are deleted.


[ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 04/08/2004 ]


  • NancyChadwick8th April, 2004


    I would like the rules to give some additional examples of post violations. For instance, examples could be added to Rules 2, 5, 6 and 7 that would make it clearer why some posts are being deleted. This would also cut down on the number of posts that require deletion or other action by the Moderators. A win-win situation results: posters have a clearer understanding (thus, no grounds for saying "why" or arguing), Mods have fewer no-no posts to deal with, and the TCI site benefits because it is "purged" of posts that advertise, hustle, or bash.


  • joel8th April, 2004

    I will be putting in some more features at a later time that will help with this.

  • NancyChadwick8th April, 2004


    I think I remember seeing some prior discussion in this Forum about changing the "report this post" mechanism so that the one who reports has to explain why he/she feels the post should be deleted.

    I don't know if that is what you're referring to, but if so, I don't think that deals with the core problem--genuine confusion. This can be reduced, I feel, by a few simple changes to some of the rules. It should greatly cut down on the number of posts that are made by people genuinely confused as to how or why they violated a rule.[ Edited by NancyChadwick on Date 04/08/2004 ]

  • joel8th April, 2004

    I hope you like the new features I put in this afternoon.

  • JohnLocke9th April, 2004


    Yes, your improvements certainly helps on our end, however take a look at this thread.

    Clarity as far as the posters go as to what the rules are might be in order.

    We are not dealing with English MBA's here, (of course maybe Boston is one by the way he posts) so maybe Nancy Chadwick has some input she would like to let us see.

    Any suggestions made I believe are only made to help improve the site.


  • KyleGatton9th April, 2004

    Just putting the rules link at the top of the forum, in larger letters would help immensely. I have to hold there hands as to where the rules are 1/2 the time.

  • NancyChadwick9th April, 2004

    I would like to suggest some slight changes to Rules 2, 5 and 6 which I feel would go a long way to providing needed clarity for people who are genuinely confused. Those who are not genuine (i.e., intend to violate the Rules anyway) can be dealt with appropriately.

    Rule 2: Advertising
    Soliciting members through Forum posts*, Private Messages or email for deals, leads, properties or investors;
    Soliciting members by advertising your products or services through Forum posts*, Private Messages or email;
    Advertising commercial websites through Forum posts* unless the subject matter of the website is responsive to another poster's inquiry

    Rule 5: Hustling
    Forum posts* designed to create the impression that you're a guru, "been there done all that", etc. in order to get TCI members to contact you privately. If you are all knowing, you should share your knowledge and information with everybody in your posts.

    Rule 6: Argumentative
    TCI forums are positive and encouraging. Forum posts* with or without the use of profane language that are bashing, name-calling or argumentative in nature, or demonstrate a lack of basic courtesy and respect for another member.

    *Note: this includes material in your "signature"


    [ Edited by NancyChadwick on Date 04/09/2004 ]

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