Roofing Question...

Calling all roofing experts.

What are you thoughts on replacing only half a roof? Is it an uncommon practice?

I have a property where one half the roof needs replacement asap, yet the other half has another 3 - 5 years left on it, so I've been told.

I've heard that I should really do the whole thing at once because I'll have trouble matching it if I do one half now and the other in three years.

Now I assume by "matching" he means asthetically and not physically. In other words, I think he's saying that it won't look pretty. If that's the case, I'm not concerned about the overall appearance as long as it keeps my tenants dry.

Anyway, here's my question:

Does anyone see any potential downsides to this now or in the future if I only replace half now?

Also, my reasons for not doing the whole thing now are 1) why replace something if it's got another 3 - 5 years left on it, and 2) finances.



  • sayana23rd June, 2004

    I am not an expert on roofing at all but agree with your reasoning 100 %. If it is not broken, why fix it.
    SAYANA rolleyes

  • Stockpro9923rd June, 2004

    There is no functional problem with this, IF it is a fairly standard color then do one half up to the ridgeline and the other half when money and time allows.
    That said I have refused to do this in the past because I didn't want to have my name on something that didn't look good. This was a business decision a nd I gave several referrals to other contractors that would be interested in doing this.

  • InActive_Account23rd June, 2004

    Well the only bad thing I can think of is if they cant get it to match right when you do this (colors) then in 5 years the new shingles will fade and the new hald roof wont match. And this will continue until you put on a entire new roof at once. I fyou dont care if it matches then its fine. Just make sure hes a good roofer because like he says lining up the old and new shingles if not done properly will cost you much more in the long run. Just my two cents.

  • InActive_Account24th June, 2004

    I would do it all now.

    There is a flaw to the logic you are using.

    If a whole roof costs $4000 to replace and you need to replace 1/2 of it now and 1/2 later, logically it sounds like $2000 now and $2000 later.

    Most likely not the case. There are dollar amounts applied to getting to the job site and doing the job other than materials. Smaller jobs usually cost more in part then the whole. Most likely a $4000 whole roof will cost you $2500 now and with materials and labor going up $2800 later.

    There is economy of labor, doing more while you are already there is sometimes cheaper. Plus if you are talking about only 3 years from now, why open up the can of worms of matching the color, matching the quality, having the ridges or valleys opened up? No way. Once you go down that road of partial fixes now and partial you have created a monster. Not worth it. If it was 15 years down the road to do the other part then maybe, but 3 years? No way.

  • kenmax24th June, 2004

    the only problem with the roofing is matching it later, it will work fine. i roofed a home and a storm blew off singles 5 yrs. later. i tried to match but the same "run" from the same company looked completely different.....kenmax

  • jam20024th June, 2004

    Then, there's the the bother factor... You fix it right now, you don't have to worry about it 3 years from now.

    Also, what if in the meantime, you decide to sell it? I sure wouldn't buy a house like that, even for a rental, I'd insist on replacement before I'd buy, either replacement, or substantial discount.

    Also, that 3-5 years is an estimate, not written in concrete somewhere.

  • monkfish26th June, 2004

    Thanks to everyone who responded to the post.

    Lots of great insight.

    For the record, I decided to go ahead and replace the entire roof.

    I've also decided to add two shed dormers for the possiblilty of additional living space.

  • j_owley26th June, 2004

    A Roofers thought!

    If tear-off of the old roof was nessessary and acsess was an issue, would you be walking over the new to get to the old in three years? this would add the potential of damage to the newer section that you would have to walk over.

    Then there is the cost of doing the tie in area twice, like the ridge, small amount, but adds to the job.

    This reminds me of spark plugs, you may have one that fails. Do you replace just the one or the whole set?

    Some times it just comes down to personal choice. Some people do not mind having things mis-matched and others go crazy when they are not, like Monk!

    Good question though


  • j_owley26th June, 2004

    By the way, I'm like Monk. I hate just half a job.


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