Ron LeGrand Interaction

Hi All,

I was extremely suprised to read the following post and wondered if anybody else has run into the same issues:

I've taken Ron's Cash Flow Systems courses and, quite honostly, loved them. I've followed them to the letter and am becoming successful, quickly. The above post spooks me a little, so please reply to this if you have been thru similar issues with Ron.

Thanks in advance,


  • tbelknap9th November, 2003

    I would take that post with a grain of salt. I just posted a couple of questions for the poster. I have a ton of stuff by Legrand and he never says to tell the home owner they are not liable for the loan. The poster could have notified the bank about the sale and that might have triggered the foreclosure. Not many details for me to make up my mind.

    Tom[ Edited by tbelknap on Date 11/09/2003 ]

  • jeff1200210th November, 2003

    I also have a bit of Ron's course material. it doesn't sound right to me. If the person making that post is as investing savvy as they claim, they should know if their loan was assumed or just taken "Subject 2".
    All of the info that I have of Ron's he seems straight forward, and instructs his students not to make claims that are fraudulent, and the CYA letters cover this as well.
    I will say that he does claim to have had some circumstances where the lender had threatened to call a loan due, but eventually came around. This could be one of those.
    If you conduct yourself and your business ethically, and with honesty. you should be fine. Make your own deals, and handle them your way. Don't worry about this one.

  • nebulousd10th November, 2003

    I'm in the same boat with you guys and need more details to fully understand everything. From what I hear, Ron doesn't even go out to sellers anymore, he has a staff that does everything....His daughter runs his business.

    Ron doesn't assume anything unless they are non-qualifying assumable loans and then he lets the trust assume them at that. I studied his materials and follow what he says closely...from my understanding, he is very honest and open. but hey, maybe it happend, maybe it didn't.

  • molotov10th November, 2003

    I'll throw in with the rest of the posts. LeGrand is always epousing the need for ethics and honesty in all transactions that I have heard or read in his courses. There are hundreds of variables in any real estate transaction, who knows what could have gone wrong in this particular situation. Treat your sellers and buyers right, dont lie, sleep well at night.

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