Robert Allen's millionaire challange...

Has anyone attended this seminar? I have just signed up for it and it seems really good. I just wanted to get some feed back before my first day. My city is suppost to be the 23rd or 24th city it's been done in. Please respond if you know anything about this. Thanks. smile


  • pbodys14th May, 2003

    Before your 1st day?...How many days is it? I attended his seminar and basically it's like the rest. Highly motivated speakers telling you how easy it is to make $ and find properties. But if you order our $3k course today we'll take off $500. plus throw in ? days of support with access to your very own mentor...

    He'll most likely be the one getting rich(er).

    However, you should attend just to get the gist of what you can achieve....without necessarilly buying anything, + you may meet someone you can network and learn with...I always go to free seminars, I just don't fall for the fluff, it also helps you keep your motivation.

    Just my opinion, hope this helps
    Clif [ Edited by pbodys on Date 05/14/2003 ]

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