Robert Allen Institute

I am a new investor and I just signed up for the Robert Allen Real Estate Investing Seminar as a part of his 1000 millionaires in 12 Months Challenge. Does anyone have any input about the Robert Allen Real Estate programs or techniques?

Any input or wisdom would be appreciated! grin


  • Lufos2nd February, 2004

    In my opinion you are wasting your money. Just check the various forums which conform to your desires and you will be current and timely.

    Things change and the old says on the street are no longer here. The game changes. The essence of course is always there, but right now the streets are a little different and what you do is modified to fit the present economic times. I mean you have noticed that the price of real estate is approaching a level that any movement that increases the interest rate and the world changes.

    You will notice that the old rule of 25% of your income is the limit to spend on housing is no longer applicable. Unless you are a Section 8 type person or have some strange and unusual affliction caused by government negligence that allows you to live on the golden river of governmental payments and supports.
    You are scrapping to make that monthly payment.

    This society was constructed originaly on the 50% mortgage. Well WWII took care of that. The GI Bill, the FHA etc. they made the mortgage climb to 90 to 100% and that made us a nation of home owners.

    then credit cards came in and oh my god the world changed again.

    Now we reach this interesting time when almost everything is upside down. Debts building on debts. Sooo the good old days of our Bob going out there and capturing a big equity with nothing in his hand is almost gone. You must use a different set of tools. Those tools are available on this site and the proper utilization of those tools can be learned by scanning the forums. So stop save your money and just scan away.

    Besides it makes interesting reading.

    Cheers Lucius

  • LarryTX3rd February, 2004

    He is still touting that 1000 millionaires campaign? He came through dallas a year and a half ago trying to get people to sign up for his progam.

    Save you money and attend your local REI club you will be suprised by what you lean there. Quite a bit actually and much more than attending a weekend crammed full of 100 ways to invest in RE

    My .02

  • dhousley3rd February, 2004

    As a very, very new REI would it be a good intro course into the business? Is is worth $1500?

  • LarryTX4th February, 2004


    No, I would not waist the money like previously stated. Since you are close to Tulsa, OK why not go to one of there meetings first and then decide if Robert Allen is worth spending $1500.

    On 2004-02-03 23:08, dhousley wrote:
    As a very, very new REI would it be a good intro course into the business? Is is worth $1500?

  • CKAcquisitions4th February, 2004

    I attended the pre-millionaire meeting with Robert Allen, (at no cost) as I'm sure you did. Did you find it strange that they would not let anyone ask any questions, because the time was limited and the speaker was already late for a flight? iT IS ALL A BUNCH OF BS. If it was legitimate they would answer any question put to them. Save you money and buy some real estate investing books. Make contact with a real esate agent who specializes in investments. Gather as much information as you possibly can. It can't hurt.

    Good Luck


  • Zach4th February, 2004

    Is this Robert "G" Allen, or the other one? If it's "G", then my opinion of him is that he's a flim-flam man. Not that he doesn't know how to make money - he does. But is he really going to teach you how to do it? I doubt it. Z

  • BBCProperties4th February, 2004

    At the risk of going against the crowd and some very esteemed and successful people, I disagree with the opinions mentioned about Robert Allen. If it hadn't been for the One Minute Millionaire book that I picked up in an airport, I would have never invested in my first property. Robert Allen is a marketing genius and real estate is just one avenue for him. Maybe if I had found this forum I would not have had the need but for me I would have never found the forum without getting involved with the Robert Allen Institute. Since October I have bought 4 properties and have closings next week on 4 more and I have spent money for inspection reports only. No out of pocket money for down payment or closing costs. Everything covered and all below market value.
    I believe the most important thing is building the right team - mortgage broker, real estate agent, money person, rehab crew.

    Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    On 2004-02-02 21:19, dhousley wrote:
    I am a new investor and I just signed up for the Robert Allen Real Estate Investing Seminar as a part of his 1000 millionaires in 12 Months Challenge. Does anyone have any input about the Robert Allen Real Estate programs or techniques?

    Any input or wisdom would be appreciated!

  • rickomarsh4th February, 2004

    BBCProperties the genius that is Robert Allen is the way he gets people to part with their hard earned money. It is great he worked for you. When the student is ready the teacher will appear.

  • davehays4th February, 2004

    Robert Allen, PMG MEntors, whatever you call them, they really do use those old flim flam sales techniques, it makes me sick to my stomach.

    They teach basic information. As if you couldn't find out from this site that you need to build a team. Basic knowledge like that is not worth $1500, or more, which I paid, and only got half back on.

    I will talk down about that group as long as I am in REI.

    Real estate is STATE SPECIFIC. Lots of the stuff they teach doesn't work everywhere like they say it does. Go to that local REIA and learn from the LOCAL MASTERS, and network with them. Model what they do. Learn from this site.

    I have lived and learned, Lufos I am with ya. Dave

  • davehays4th February, 2004

    And get your money back, if they didn't create some prethought out way to keep it from you!

  • mstory5th February, 2004

    When you don't know enough yet, and your highly motivated to get started quick, it's only natural to think the more you pay someone like Allen the faster you'll get educated. It doesn't work that way at all.

    I strongly suggest you spend 1/5th of the money you're talking about and buy the LeGrand Cashflow CDs off of this CI site.

    You also MUST join your local Investment club. You'll learn more from those two things than Robert Allen will ever know.

  • ibpepper25th February, 2004

    Buying tapes and books is all good, but the Robert Allen group is always there by phone and their mentoring program to answer questions and guide you and also motivate you. If is wasn't for Robert Allen I would still be sitting on my couch reading. They do not teach get rich quick. Robert Allen has been the best in all of the tons of programs I have read and studied in the past 5 years. (I know he has been around longer, but I haven't) GO FOR IT-IT WON'T TAKE YOU AS LONG ! The very best to you.

  • results_one5th February, 2004

    I'm a beginner too, so I understand the desire to learn from the "experts" so you do not have to re-invent the wheel. However, I have spent money on the courses and a bootcamp and in my opinion, the COURSE was the most valuable to me.(It was Ron Legrande, btw). At the seminars, what happens is they give you enough information to excite you but deliver it in a confusing way. Because they cover, so many topics, none are covered in depth and it is not enough information to get your first deal done. Courses are valuable--they give you step by step information, then you can ask more in depth questions here FOR FREE. Trust me, the seminars/bootcamps/workshops are a rip off.

    Good Luck

  • dhousley5th February, 2004

    Thank all of you guys for your honest input! I have just cancelled my class and should soon be recieving my $3000 refund. (That is kind of a relief actually!) Tonight I am going to the Tulsa area Investors club and I can't wait.

    Again thanks for taking the time to help mentor a newbie!

  • Money-Broker5th February, 2004

    Over the years I've been involved in several real estate programs. Dave Del Dotto, Charles Givens to name a few. I read Robert Allens book(s) and all he does is re-gurgitate everyone else's ideas.

    Hanging out in forums like this will teach you many things. Do what I do, just read the posts for awhile and absorb the knowledge in here.

    I have managed to successfully buy/sell 12 properties from what I've learned from info people like Allen, but it all comes down to you knowing your own market. Do your local research.

    I find banks the best place to buy properties, right from their REO department.

  • dhousley5th February, 2004

    I have posted another topic regarding the condition of my local market. But no one has responded to it yet so I will ask it again here. Over the past 18 months, roughly 20,000 jobs have been lost in the Tulsa area (businesses have moved out). I hear that soon 2,000 more jobs will be gone.

    These are good jobs too! High salaries!

    My question is this: I know that I can find relative inexpensive properties. Many are priced far below the MV. BUT, will I be able to flip them? How hard will it be to find investors?

    Any input?


  • LarryTX5th February, 2004

    REI you make your money when you by the property not when you sell it, keep that in mind when you review potential deals and you will do well.

    When you find a good deal I can assure you you won't have any problem flipping it or initiating your exit strategy to another buyer.

    Larry Brusatori

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