Robert Allen Classes: Good Or Bad?


I participated to a recruiting class from Robert Allen Institute.
It seems really good, but before signing up for an intensive 3 days class which cost -by the way- several thousand$ of Dollar$, I would like to get some feed back from people who have experienced these classes.

Does it really teach you more than real estate books?

How long did it take you to make money with Real Estate?

Was it worth it?

What do you think about these kind of classes in general (Robert Allen, Robert. kiyosaki [Rich Dad, Poor Dad])?
are for or against it? and Why?

Thank you in advance for your reactions.

[ Edited by re_immobilier on Date 09/03/2003 ][ Edited by re_immobilier on Date 09/03/2003 ]


  • Stockpro993rd September, 2003

    check prior posts and articles.

  • letsgomario3rd September, 2003

    The advice has been given in this site several times. The best way to get some experience doing deals is to work with someone (a local mentor) that actually does the deals and learn from them. I have attended a Robert Allen seminar many years ago. I didn't learn anything that I did not find in books in the library. PLEASE, do not waste your money or your time going to that seminar. If you need motivation to do things, come back to this site and there will be a lot of people willing to kick you in the rear and give you good advice to get you going. For the price of that seminar, you could take your wife and kids for a nice vacation or you could fund your first deal. Stay away from Robert Allen.

  • Inplay21st October, 2003

    I wanted to sign up, but it's around $3000. i went for the first day and i quit cause most of it was bull. crazy, way more expensive than medical school. besides, they stated that you should never pay more than $100 as down payment on a house. well, in my opinion, $3000 are about 300 houses you can close on.
    good luck

  • Lufos21st October, 2003

    Robert Allen

    He writes an interesting book, read it but please do not take it as a passport to great wealth.

    You might on your next occasion in his august presence ask him why he took a bankruptcy in 1996 or was it 1997.

    If I remember correctly his answer was that he was researching. He wanted to view life from the other side of a coin.

    I could give you some more fur instances but wot the hell.

    I read everything. You can tell I have that bookish look, you know the droopy posture, the thick glasses etc. etc. But I stop there.

    And so should you.

    Cheers Lucius

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