Rich Dad Poor Dad Coaches Blow

If I were you I would not do the Rich Dad courses. You will realize that unless someone is going to hold your hand and actually show you in person how stuff is done then all the imformation you get is a little useless. Youll get just as much imformation reading the books. I made the mistake of waisting 2,000 dollars on this course. They give you like 7 or 8 thirty minute one on one counsler sessions. ( once a week). They focus more on getting your finiancial situation in order. Every state is different and each state has differnt rules and there are so many things in between that you are only going to learn by experience. I knew everything that the course had to offer. It just sums up the rich dad poor dad book. What i would suggest is that you find a investor and piggy back off him. That is what I am doing and im learning gar more than I ever could through some book. He buys homes in forclosure and he pays me to do work that needs to be done and I get a first hand view of how the deal is done. If i had to do this whole getting started process all over I would piggy back off and investor and get my car lettered with " I buy homes" type of deal. I would send out post cards and start getting your name out there.


  • JRendell16th March, 2005


    Man, I have been on the rich dad forum also. There is alot of negative feedback about the rich dad coaches. Looks like I just saved myself $3500.00. Thanks for the post.

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