Rich Dad, Poor Dad CD

I was thinking about purchasing the Rich Dad, Poor Dad CD to listen to in my car. Has anybody listed to the CD's or read the book? Is it any good? I think I saw on the forum once that someone said it was a good book. Want to purchase the CD version, but want to see what other's thought. Thanks for the reply's in advance!!


  • Smiling2nd November, 2004

    I have been privileged to see the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad speak and have read all his material and listened to his tapes. Well worth your time and money -he puts it all into perspective and makes a whole lot of sense!

  • JRendell2nd November, 2004


    Thanks. I ended up just ordering the CD's last night anyway. Looking forward to listening to them even more now.

  • bhunter7014th November, 2004

    I borrowed mine from my public library

  • PBFerrigan16th November, 2004

    It completely changes the way you think about money. I could not put it down. Definately a must read for anyoe who wants to be financially independant.


  • JRendell16th November, 2004


    You are right. I have already listened to all three. The 2nd and 3rd CD really got me going. I am about to listen to cd 2 and 3 again. Do you have any other recommendations for CD's. I have been looking around for some other one's to listen to.

  • PBFerrigan17th November, 2004

    I am not familiar with the cd titles that you are referring to.

    Here are the books that I would highly recommend:

    Rich Dad Poor Dad [RDPD] (Intro to life changing financial concepts)
    Winning in the Cashflow Quadrant (building on this book)
    Retire Young, Retire Rich (how to apply the info to your life)
    Rich Dad Success Stories (readers success stories for inspiration)

    The Millionaire Next Door (scientific study on the mindset of America's millionaires)

    Creating Wealth by Robert Allen (similar to RDPD)
    Nothing Down for the 90's by Robert Allen (the bible for creative financing)

    After you cover these you will begin to figure out what financial aspect you would like to learn more about specifically.

    Another great book for creating wealth is Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen. He goes over 12 or 14 different ways to set up passive income streams.


  • JRendell17th November, 2004


    Thanks for the reply. I will check out some of the books. The CD's I was referring to was the Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I went to the website and you can buy it on CD. It was awesome!!

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