Resubmitting Post, "Where Can I Locate A Pre-forclosure List?"

I previosly posted the question, can anyone tell me where I can find listings for pre-forclosures. I know that here in MI we have been out of power for 2 days Im sure that had something to do with the missing posts, but it's back on now so tell me is there a place to get these lists?
Thank you
Susan cool grin


  • jfmlv195015th August, 2003

    Hi Susan,

    I have never used or heard of anyone getting lists for pre-foreclosures. I do know I can go to my county recorder’s office and pull up the daily Notices of Default, Lis Pendens and Notices of Sale so I can get the names and addresses of people who are facing a motivating situation.

    Hope this answer helps you on your search.

    John (LV)

  • bizman200315th August, 2003

    On 2003-08-15 22:49, jfmlv1950 wrote:
    Hi Susan,

    I have never used or heard of anyone getting lists for pre-foreclosures. I do know I can go to my county recorder’s office and pull up the daily Notices of Default, Lis Pendens and Notices of Sale so I can get the names and addresses of people who are facing a motivating situation.

    Hope this answer helps you on your search.

    John (LV)

    Dear John,

    Are there services that offer the notices from the county recorder's office?

    Sincerely yours,

  • jfmlv195015th August, 2003

    Hi Aram,

    There are a lot of pay for information sites that may have some of the information that you are looking for.

    TIMELINESS of information is critical.

    If the information is posted at the recorder’s office for public viewing and Company “A” sees the microfiche entry, then gets a copy of it for their records, then returns to their office to input into their database and finally disburses it to you, the end user. There is a major time lag.

    And of course you are not the ONLY subscriber.

    If you do your own digging, investigating and due diligence you stay in control and will be way above the power curve and ahead of your competition.

    Best of luck

    John (LV)

  • rdcall16th August, 2003

    Go to your county court house and ask questions and more questions, most the people there will help you all you have to do is go do it.

  • bizman200316th August, 2003

    Thanks John and rdcall. I appreciate your comments and will be heading to my courthouse on Monday.

  • beacon30th October, 2003

    Most county governments in major metropolitan areas are online.

    For instance, in Los Angeles, they provide a yearly book (about 1000 pages) that lists all the properties in the county, with improvements on them and without.

    You can buy this book for aroudn $20.

    Each week, the county office updates their auction/foreclosure list online with the property #'s that correspond to entries in this book.

    Check with your county office, they may have something along the same lines.

  • classimg30th October, 2003

    Bizmann, here in Chicago be careful! A few of the companies use 'old' information and attempt to sell it as new.

    Eric & Rosa

  • InActive_Account30th October, 2003

    i work for a lender but do some investing on the side
    i always get that lise on a weekly basis from my title company that i always use for my business

    title companies have HUGE information database, think about all the deals they were involved int

    good luck
    **Please See My Profile**

  • bigdreamsgary30th October, 2003

    Beacon, can you give me the website where I can have the pre-forclosure information online.

    Thank you

    On 2003-10-30 14:55, beacon wrote:
    Most county governments in major metropolitan areas are online.

    For instance, in Los Angeles, they provide a yearly book (about 1000 pages) that lists all the properties in the county, with improvements on them and without.

    You can buy this book for aroudn $20.

    Each week, the county office updates their auction/foreclosure list online with the property #'s that correspond to entries in this book.

    Check with your county office, they may have something along the same lines.

  • Eric527th July, 2005

    The 2nd mortgage holder can start the process, but they will be wiped out generally at the auction unless the property is bid up higher than the first balance. If the 2nd mortgage is large they may show up to bid at auction to protect their interests. Several times Ive talked to a 2nd holder and frankly said "do you realize you will not get a dime when this goes to sale?" and I get responses like, "you dont know that" or "we will show up to protect ourselves." In the end they get NOTHING rather than the 3k or whatever I would have gave stupid.

  • ZinOrganization28th July, 2005

    On 2005-07-27 15:00, Eric5 wrote:
    The 2nd mortgage holder can start the process, but they will be wiped out generally at the auction unless the property is bid up higher than the first balance. If the 2nd mortgage is large they may show up to bid at auction to protect their interests. Several times Ive talked to a 2nd holder and frankly said "do you realize you will not get a dime when this goes to sale?" and I get responses like, "you dont know that" or "we will show up to protect ourselves." In the end they get NOTHING rather than the 3k or whatever I would have gave stupid.

    happens to me all the time too.

  • Eric52nd August, 2005

    The first mortgage holder will get it if no one bids above the interest they have in the property. If the first mortgage is 100k and no one bids over it, the bank takes it back.

  • Eric52nd August, 2005

    Do you have any strategies for that one Zin?

    On 2005-07-28 13:37, ZinOrganization wrote:

    On 2005-07-27 15:00, Eric5 wrote:
    The 2nd mortgage holder can start the process, but they will be wiped out generally at the auction unless the property is bid up higher than the first balance. If the 2nd mortgage is large they may show up to bid at auction to protect their interests. Several times Ive talked to a 2nd holder and frankly said "do you realize you will not get a dime when this goes to sale?" and I get responses like, "you dont know that" or "we will show up to protect ourselves." In the end they get NOTHING rather than the 3k or whatever I would have gave stupid.

    happens to me all the time too.

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