"Request For Unconditional Release Of Property"

Hello all, I am currently selling my family's property and have signed a 6 month contract with a c21 agency that is due to expire AUG. 16. We have a beautiful home in the most desirable part of town and our realtor has not shown the house once... NOT ONCE! So we started doing some investigating only to find out the broker is offering "special compensation" to his agents to sell his homes (he is a developer in town) The homes he is building are in the same price range of our home.

It has become very clear that he is using our house as a comp to sell his houses, and is making ABSOLUTELY NO effort to sell our house. "why would you want a 20 year old house when you could have a new home" .

How do we get out of the 6 month contract? is there a standard form? If so, where can I get one? Somebody told me that if i try to get out of the contract he will bad mouth me to other realtors in town and that getting out of a contract is a hassle. I have also been told that i must go before the board of realtors...Is this true? Any advise would be very much appreciated. [ Edited by LittleHunter on Date 05/30/2004 ]


  • dealfinder31st May, 2004

    Have you already spoken with this c21 agent about what seems to be his lack of production in offering your home for sale? Obviously when this agent wanted to list your property he, more than likely, gave you some assurances that he could be successful in selling this home or I doubt you would of allowed him to list it. Just offering a suggestion that before you look for the legal remedy, you might be able to turn this agent around and have him "wanting" to sell the home. Good Luck.


  • varsitysg2nd June, 2004

    A couple of questions.
    Has the house been listed on the MLS?
    If so have any other agents shown it?
    Has it been advertised at all?

    Although most showings are done by other agents as a result of MLS listings, I can't think of many valid reasons why the listing broker hasn't even provided one potential buyer in four months. As far as getting out of the contract, I would sit down with the principal broker and have a serious discussion. In the real estate business reputation is everything and you shouldn't worry about him badmouthing you, he should worry about you badmouthing him and his company to everyone you know. Also, you should go to the local Board of Realtors and and explain in detail your listing and the lack of production on the part of the listing broker and ask them what can be done about it.
    Good luck and please keep us posted on what hapens.

  • LittleHunter2nd June, 2004

    Thanks for the replys guys, I'm just going to let the contract expire. I went to another broker and offered him a little "cash incentive" if he finds a buyer and told him i will list with him after my current contract expires. we'll see what happens. Thanks for the advice!

  • crf3boys3rd June, 2004

    You can simply tell the agent you wish to 'rescind the listing'. He should provide you with a list of people to whom he's shown the house (of course there won't be any names on the list if he hasn't shown it) and you'll agree that if you sell it to anyone on that list you will give him his commission. You don't have to wait for the listing to expire, unless you want to.

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