REO Property - Contact?

Does anyone know how to find out who owns a single family residential property that has been vacant for over 2 years? My realtor indicated it is bank owned, but he has no other information. I was hoping to contact them and make them an offer since I am familiar with the neighborhood? Any ideas?


  • cjmazur30th May, 2012

    The defacto way is to get a copy of the "vesting deed" from title. It will list the owner(s).

    Another way is the county tax rolls which is usually accessible via the net.

  • finniganps30th May, 2012

    Thanks, yeah I knew I could go those routes. That would be followed by looking for a contact at the bank who has that property and what the status is. My guess is they prefer to go the traditional route - list property for competitive bid to maximize value (discounting the time value of money as they continue to hold the asset).

  • joel30th May, 2012

    This sounds like some diggin at the court house steps...

  • cjmazur31st May, 2012

    If you want a faster turn time, there are subscription based services like DataQuick or realquest

  • jeffrey0165th September, 2012

    I think it is a good thing to ask the main in that place where they buy it.

  • JackS11th May, 2013

    What does the tax records say?

  • thelemur9th July, 2012

    If the liens are junior to the mortgage (came later) then they will be wiped out. NC state liens are no different than any other judgment. If they are older than 10 years, then the matter is irrelevant altogether.

  • joel18th May, 2013

    So you are saying that judgements by the state on a property get wiped away also then?

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