Rental Conversion To Condo's

am currently looking at an 8 unit fully rented apt building in New Jersey. I would like to consider turning into condo's shortly after purchase, but I have never done this prior.

Can anyone offer their experience in this type of conversion?

Thanks, Flyboy


  • KyleGatton20th October, 2003

    I cant speak about NJ but here is florida, I just go to the county code office and tell them what I am trying to do. They usually give me free advice and all the right people/paperwork to get in contact with. Also if you ask permission rather than forgiveness they are usually quite amicable.

    Good Luck,

  • flyboy18th December, 2005


    He just aint worth the effort.

    May have just come out of a coma or some other similar ailmentgrin

  • REALILLC20th December, 2005

    We recently closed a $42MM deal with them. They were highly professional. They and their buyer acquired a property with my company as a facilitator. The had no problem paying broker fees etc...

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