Rent Break

I have a tenant who was getting rent break to work as a super and do some work around the house. They did that the first few months, then stopped. Now they won't accept our calls. Yesterday, another tenant I am evicting called us and said she lost her key. If I don't provide a key, she will call the cops for locking her out (legal aid may be teaching her these dirty tricks to get us in trouble). I told her to talk to the super because I live an hour away. She said the super told us she won't help beacause she doesn't work for us anymore.

I think I need an attorney's advice on this.


  • ahmedmu15th June, 2004

    I talked to an attorney. I need to evict the super. I am so mad, I would like to penalize her someway, but a prompt eviction seems to be the best I can hope for.

  • ahmedmu16th June, 2004

    If somebody is trying to PM me on this, pls mailto: **Please See My Profile**

  • nyjosh16th June, 2004

    Did you have a written agreement with this person? If so, you could sue for specific performance since the super was enjoying the discounted rent but was not performing the agreed labor for it. Ultimately it's probably not worth the trouble. You could file suit in small claims court which generally don't need a lawyer and have small court fees.

  • ahmedmu16th June, 2004

    Thanks. I have a written lease that says she will get a rent break for their work. But the specifics are not really there. When I was in the process of buying this house, she wrote me a long letter. That letter has more details about what they do and what they will do for me if I keep on giving them the break. They have not been doing those things. They have not paid June's rent and it might take another month for me to evict them. So, I have to take them to small claims court anyway. I think I will sue them for a higher amount then.

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