Renovate America Program Or Nation-Wide Discounters


Does anybody have any experience with the company called "Nation-Wide Real Estate Discounters Corporation'. They supposedly train, mentor and provide funds while associate gets a commission. Least what they take to start is $1595 and they want about $4K. Please share with me if you have any insights.



  • jpchapboy12th November, 2003

    I've never heared of them, but I can tell you this: If they are asking for $1500- $4k up front they have rocks in their heads. If you have that much money available go out and buy a property or something. Read books from the library (robert allen, and robert kyiosaki/rich dad poor dad) that will help every bit as much as what ever course or such. This site is also very helpful. Good luck.

  • ksmith12th November, 2003

    I've heard of them, they will provide you with a large binder that is filled with information about the ways you can work your RE business. The binder also includes property evaluation forms for analysis of properties. They will also assign you to an advisor to run all your deals by first, the only problem is that they will only consider properties that meet a 40% return or better. I purchased their program about three years ago for about $200, after a number of calls from them and a number of price reductions. I sent them close to five deals and not a one did they accept nor did they put me in contact with a private investor. The call is yours, I've learned more from this site than in the binder and it didn't cost me $1500.

    Good luck

  • InActive_Account12th November, 2003

    $4k will not get you very much in Buffalo Grove, unless you go north and/or west. What stage are you at in your real estate education and investment experience?

  • demosthenes12th November, 2003

    4k is plenty to work with if you are buying subject to. You just need to find motivated sellers. The most I will pay a seller for a house is 2k unless there is ton of equity in a house.

  • aao12th November, 2003

    Demosthenes you stated that the most you will pay a seller for a house is 2k unless there is ton of equity in a house.
    IS that 2k down or 2k period. I would like to know how to get started with 2k on some deals..Any Info will be helpful.
    [ Edited by aao on Date 11/12/2003 ]

  • flynny12th November, 2003

    Nationwide is a scam and if indeed you find homes with a 40% equity play, why on gods earth would you share it with them. Don't waste the money.

  • mychildren12th November, 2003

    My husband and I also purchase their program we paid $375. As you can see the price keeps changing. I have submitted deals to them as well and have had no hope with them. You have to wait at least 75 hours before you hear from them. If I was you I wouldn't waste the money try and use it else where.

  • Birdoggin4u12th November, 2003

    I purchased their program for $700 or $750 they make it impossible for you to make a deal with them. I WAS SWINDLED. DON'T SPEND 1 CENT WITH THAT COMPANY PLEASE!!!

  • mortgageman2k12th November, 2003

    I'm a realtor in Tampa FL, and I bought the course for $500 big mistake, like everyone says they give you a binder with a bunch of forms and they never accept any deals, this site has plenty of information on getting started in the business why pay for something you can get for free just ask.

  • laura196212th November, 2003

    Thanks everybody so much for the advice! I am so happy I asked: they did sound too good to be true.

    There is one more company I was considering: Peter and David from resultsnow. Anybody familiar with them?
    They are only into lease-options.

    Thanks again.

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