Removing A BK From Your Credit Report...

I know they say having a BK removed from your credit report is nearly impossible, but in my situation I was thinking it might be a little different. If you know anything about removing a BK I would like to here your comments....

In Sep. 2000 I filed CH-13 BK, 3weeks after I filed I wrote a letter to the BK court saying I would rather work it out with my creditors myself and had my BK dismissed. My BK only lasted 3 weeks and none of my creditors were effected, its like I filed BK on nobody. The BK is listed on my credit report as "dismissed",
Are there any legal ways to have this removed, seeing how none of the creditors were effected and I never received any of the releif that a BK offers?

Allso, the only thing on my credit report about the BK is the BK itself, listed under "public records". None of item's listed under "Credit Information" say antyhing about the BK. So removing the BK from the Public Record's would remove all traces of the BK.

Is there anything I can do In this situation?


  • Utah_Bkatty6th September, 2003

    You did receive a benefit. The automatic stay barred collection activity and went into effect the moment you filed, and you enjoyed that federal bankruptcy protection for 3 whole weeks.

    Unfortuntely, you can't undue the filing.

    There is no way to reverse the situation. I'm sorry. You can write to the credit bureaus and add a personal statement to your credit file indicating that you Voluntarily dissmissed your Chapter 13 to work things out with your creditors, but the fact that you acutally filed a petition for relief in the bankruptcy court can not be removed unless it was simply a case of identity fraud.[ Edited by Utah_Bkatty on Date 09/06/2003 ]

  • Musicman3376th September, 2003

    LOL, three weeks of protection for sevens years of bad credit....and I still have to deal with the, man what was I thinking? I guess you learn from your mistakes.

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