REI Quiz - What Department Handles Deep Discounts On Current Mortgages?

Yeah, guys. I am paying off some debt. Using the Debtinator tool I am finding out whose offer of my many many second mortgages will take a discount.
For those who don't know about the DEBTinator tool in the MyTCI>My Tools area, it will put you in charge of finding the best debt payoff ratio with each of your DEBTS.

Currently I might be able to payoff two of my loans totaling 27K for 21K. BUT they monthly payments will be coming close to 400K. That is a great investment as explained in the Cash Under the Cushions EBook I wrote.

Well stay tuned guys, I need to find out who to negotiate with at the Banks that hold the second mortgages and see who gives![ Edited by joel on Date 05/24/2004 ]


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